A New Destiny ~ Chapter 2

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Chapter 2! Comment and let me know what you think! :)


Chapter 2

My rubber boot clad feet splashed through the puddles on the sidewalk as I walked to school. It had stormed all night last night, doing nothing to help my already restless mind and body. When I finally did fall asleep, I dreamed feverish dreams of a castle paved in blood. Thinking about it now, even, made me cringe. The sound of a horn made me jump, then scowl. It was Henley and her group of disciples driving by laughing. The tires of Henley's car sprayed me in dirty street water soaking me and my book bag, making the Hen Gang laugh even harder. I couldn't help feeling angry. I mean, I do everything Bob and Sue ask and yet they still make me walk to school! All the while I am subject to the Hen Gang's constant teasing. Not to mention the fact that I have no friends, no social life to speak of and a wardrobe that could fit in a suitcase! The sight of my school brought me out of my negative thoughts. Lenson High... not the best school I have ever attended. In fact, it was probably one of the worst. Everything was second best. The underside of the desks were covered in PCG (that stands for previously chewed gum, in case you were wondering). I am too disgusted to even mention the bathrooms. If I have to pee, I hold it until I get home, it's really that bad. The teachers didn't really care what we did as long as we sat in class and kept the noise to a minimum. Even taking AP classes, the overall class participation was not something to brag about. Worst of all though, was the fact that the Hen Gang ruled the roost. Seriously, even the school staff abided by Henley's rules.

My homeroom was English, usually one of my favorite subjects, but not at this school. I settled in my desk in the back and prepared myself mentally for the onslaught of Charlie Brown worthy teacher mumblings...wah...wa...wa...wa...wah... I always sit in the same spot in all of my classes, Henley's doing of course. The back corner two person desk by myself, as far from other students as possible. I was doodling a picture of a giant tree whilst trying to tune out my teacher sucking up to Henley before class when suddenly the door opened and the world stopped... well not literally, but it may as well have. In walked the most gorgeous boy I had ever seen. I mean we are talking, totally guy underwear model material here. Dark brunette hair lay thickly on his head covering his forehead, just brushing his eyelashes. His eyes are a blue gray like the sky over the sea after a storm. His mouth was curved into a half smile that made him look like he was up to something mischievous. His body, wow, that's all I can say. He wore a bark blue polo that was loose, but fitted enough to show his well defined though not overly large muscles. He wore slightly worn jeans that fit him like... like I didn't know jeans could look that good! Brown leather sneakers completed the look. Instantly Henley stopped paying attention to the teacher and focused her energy on liking her lips and poking out her already overly enlarged, fake boobs, making them practically spill out from her low cut top.

"Hi, I'm Henley. You must be new here."

He simply nodded and spoke a few brief words to the teacher before scanning his eyes across the room, finally resting them on me. The look on Henley's face was absolutely priceless. It flickered from disbelief to outrage to embarrassment to shock almost too fast for me to catch. I giggled at her, not able to stop myself. The male model at the front of the class gave me a curious look before walking over to my desk.

"Is this seat taken?" His voice was like icing on a cake, smooth and delicious.

"Uhh...umm...no, it's just me." Great job Ania! Way to sound like a fool in front of quite possibly the most beautiful guy on the face of the earth!!

"Do you mind if I occupy it?" The amusement clear in his voice.

I quickly regained my composure as I answered in what I hoped was a confident voice.

"Sure, go ahead!" Okay, so maybe it was a little over enthusiastic. Thankfully, if he noticed, he didn't point it out.

"I'm Kellan, by the way" (long awkward pause...) "...you are?"

"Oh, right! I'm Titania, but if I had any friends they would call me Ania." I smiled sweetly trying to cover up the awkward pause.

"Why IF you had friends?" he asked seemingly truly concerned.

"Oh, you know, foster kid, never in one place long enough to make any." I tried to sound unaffected, but he saw through it.

"Gee, I'm sorry. How long have you been here?"

"About 9 months, give or take."

"Well that seems like a long enough time to me. What's holding you back?"

"Being 'sister' to the leader of the Hen Gang doesn't really put me in good favor. If she doesn't want you to have friends, then you don't have friends."

"Oh, that sucks. But who's the Hen Gang?"

I laughed "The Hen Gang is what I call Henley and her ever faithful group of followers."

"Ahh, I see, very clever. Henley is that girl up front sucking up to the teacher, right?"

"The very one" I said pleased he saw through Henley's façade.

"She seemed....enthusiastic."

"That's putting it lightly!" We both laughed.

After another a semi long awkward pause, he broke the silence by starting another conversation.

"So is that an English accent I hear or am I mistaken?"

"No, you aren't mistaken. I am actually from Northern England. I moved here with a previous foster family, the Joneses, when I was 15."

"Really northern England, huh, I'm from there myself. Although I haven't been there in a while. I moved to Canada when I was 6."

"Well that's cool. Small world!"

"Yeah, small world..."

He seemed to me talking to himself when he said this. I almost asked him why, but figured I'd better not push my luck. He was after all the only student to talk to me in months.

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