Chapter 2

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Okie, so a small trigger warning. Beware. Love you guys!


He turned to me, "Doll, look, I love you, like really love you. I know you've only been here for a month or so, and you're like Two-Bit's little sister. I flirt with every girl here, but you're different." My eyes were wide and my face felt like it was on fire as I took in more smoke, Dally...loves me? Is he saying the truth? "D-Dally, I-" Ponyboy ran over to us, "It looks like it's gonna rain, they wanted to know if y'all wanted to come on and go on back to our house. " Dally spoke up, "Yeah, we'll go in a bit, I need to talk to Y/N." I nodded and Pony ran off. Dally threw his cancer stick over his shoulder and looked at me, "Well, doll?" I stuck mine into the dirt beside me, "I really like you too, but I don't know how the guys will react...just give me a week and tell me in front of them." He leaned closer to me and his lips brushed my cheek. I stood up and held out my hand towards him, when he got up rain poured down hard. He took off his jacket and gave it to me, I smiled and held his hand. I'm falling for the tough guy of the group great He turned my head to face him and he kissed me, full on kissed me. I pulled away and looked into his chocolate brown eyes, He might be tough, but he might also be that guy who looks at the sunset once in awhile like Pony said... He pulled me to the Curtis' house and let go of my hand as we pushed in through the door. All eyes were on us. Soda spoke, "What took y'all so long?" Two-Bit looked at me worried, "You ok, Y/N?" I nodded quickly, "Yep, my shoe got stuck in the mud, Dally helped me get out. I had to wipe the mud off in the grass." Dally went along, "She almost fell and was shivering like crazy, so I gave her my jacket." Two-Bit stood up, "Thanks Dally, come on kitten, let's dry you off a bit." I nodded, looking at Dally as I walked away. He winked at me.

Dally's POV

I watched as Two-Bit and Y/N walked away. She's beautiful... "So, Dally, what really happened?" Soda asked. I turned around and looked at the four guys before me. They knew me as tuff, not some lovey-dovey guy. "N-Nothing, what are you talking about, Soda?" I answered quickly. Too quick. They suspected it. Johnnycake spoke up quietly, "I think they kissed..." My eyes widened, "No, we didn't! Er, not necessarily." They all laughed and Darry stood up, walking over to me. "Dally's gotta crush on Y/N!" He ruffled my hair. I tried pushing him off, "Lay off! I don't like Y/N..." Soda piped up giggly, "Oh right, you love her! I remember now." I glared at Soda, my face was really red. Great, they know. "Ok, maybe I do. So what?" I asked trying to cool off. "Two-Bit's gonna be on your ass a lot more that's what," Darry claimed, "he's like a big brother to her. Hurt her and you're gonna get hurt that's what."

Two-Bit's POV

"He's like a big brother to her. Hurt her and you're gonna get hurt that's what." I heard Darry say. Dally loves Y/N? I didn't think he actually loved someone, let alone Y/N. She's like a sister to me and the guys. I guess Dally thinks differently. Darry's right, if Dally hurts my kitten, he's hurt. I can't kill him. He's part of the gang. It wouldn't go well. "Two-Bit?" I heard her ask. "Y-Yeah, kitten?" I looked down at Y/N. "Do I look okay?" She asked, I saw tear stains. She was crying. I was so spaced out, I didn't hear her crying. "Kitten, what's wrong?" I asked hugging her. "I was thinking about my family....they never loved me, they loved hurting me." I felt something warm on my shirt. I pulled away, and looked down. Blood. "What the hell?" I asked and I looked at Y/N. She was crying again, trying to hide her arms. "Kitten!" I tried to look at her arms, cuts..all over her arms. No no no no no no, not my kitten. I hid her arms and pulled her with me into the room with the guys. "Uh, Y/N isn't feeling too well, I'm gonna take her home." I said hesitantly. They all looked at me worried, "Do you guys need anything?" Dally asked. "N-No, she's just sick. Bye guys!" I said running out of the house with Y/N crying in my arms. We got to my house and I sat Y/N down on the couch, I slowly took off Dally's jacket so I wouldn't hurt her. "Wait here kitten." I kissed her forehead. I ran to the kitchen and got out some alcohol and some bandages. I got back and she was still crying quietly. I tended to her cuts and bandaged them up. I hugged her until she stopped crying. She fell asleep in my arms. Is this what it feels like to have family that loves you?  I picked her up and took her to bed. It was pretty late so I got into bed with her. I hugged her as I fell asleep. This is what family love feels like. I smiled and kissed her forehead, "Goodnight kitten, I love you"
Dally's POV
I saw Y/N face as she ran out, red and crying. Worried, I stood up and walked out the door without saying anything. Johnnycake and Steve were the only ones left there anyways. I walked over to Two-Bit's house and knocked on the door. No answer..shouldnt the door be unlocked?  I opened the door and looked around. No lights were on. I saw my jacket on the couch. I guess they were asleep. I started for the door. "Ahem" I heard in a familiar deep tone. I turned back around. "Two-Bit?" I asked, confused. "I overheard you dig Y/N, is it true?" He asked from the shadows. I squinted to try to see him. I couldn't see anything. "Uh, yeah? Why?" I was slightly scared so I put my hand in my back pocket looking for my blade. Not that I would use it on him. Just to have some self defense. "If you two ever happen to get together...dont even think about hurting her. Or you'll get hurt too." His voice echoed in my mind. " I won't." I said as I walked out into the night. Me hurt her?  He's got it all wrong. I couldn't hurt her, she's different. I looked up at the sky, looked like it was about to be midnight. I headed home, unsure about what just happened in Two-Bit's house....
So another chapter, it's pretty bad I know but I'm really tired. I hope you guys enjoy it! I love you all
Till next chapter my fair readers,
I have no idea anymore ghoul

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