Chapter 8-Secrets

Start from the beginning

"Why was I not told that you were making out with an intergalactic criminal?! Come on Jang! Don't I get a update?"

I looked at her with an eyebrow raised. "No, no you don't. Now where are the rest of them?"

Sabrina, Sarah and Elizabeth all walked out from behind the same tree, sheepish looks on their faces.

"Really? Spying on me, really?"

"Look Jang, we're sorry but we were just worried about you." Sabrina said.

"I know and I thank you guys for looking out for me but I don't need to be watched over just because Loki is here. I can protect myself, remember?"

"Uh yeah no. Not gonna happen. I'm mean your freaking dating the guy now! And why weren't we made aware of this?!" Sarah said.

"Uh because it's MY personal life, maybe?"

"Um, I'm going to go wait in the tree while you ladies work this out." Loki tryied to sneak away but Eliazbeth caught him.

"Oooh no you don't Mr.I-failed-at-world-domination. Your not going anywhere." Elizabeth gave him a death glare.

"Listen you guys! You guys may not belive me, but I love Loki! Why can't you accept him?"

"Seriously? You want reasons? Fine. He's evil, fought our boyfriends, took over peoples minds, stole, tried to take over New York and you got hurt because of it. Need I go on? Do you really think we want to see you hurt by the excact same guy again?" Abby looked at me, demanding an answer.

"Wait, you got hurt because of me?" Loki asked.

"He doesnt know?!" All of the girls looked at me like I was crazy. They all launched into reasons why I was absolutley nuts for dating him. Loki was the only one that stayed silent, and I was grateful beyond words for it.

"Shut it!" I saw my ands starting to turn and I took a deep breath. "Look, I know you guys care about me and you don't want to see me get hurt. But if you really want what's best for me, you'll let us be. Alright?"

They all looked among themselves beofre nodding.

"I assure you once again miladies, I promise that I will never hurt Jang." Loki said.

I turned to the girls and gave them all a hug. "Thanks you guys." They just smiled and walked back towards my house.

"Hey guys?" They all turned and looked at me. "Please don't tell your boyfriends. They'll go nuts if they found out."

They all smiled at me. "No promises." Sabrina said.

I turned to loki to see him staring at me intensely.

"What did they mean that you were hurt in New York? And why did the Avengers say that you were in New York with them yesterday?"

I sighed, he was bound to find out sooner or later.

I snapped y fingers and I was in uniform.


I now knew where I had seen her before. She was wearing a dress that was tight around her chest and loose around her mid thigh. It was a purple just like her eyes and she had a white sash around her waist. she had white tights that went to her knees and a mask that covered her face around the eyes. She was one of them. She was an Avenger.

"The Trickster. That's why you were so familiar to me. But what did they mean when they said you got hurt?"

She sighed and turned around. She pushed her hair to one side. I saw a scar took up a large portion of her upper back. I gasped. Had I done this?

"One of the blasts from the septer missed and I got hit. It knocked me out for a minuet but I was fine after that. Really Loki, it's ok."

"No! No it's not! I hurt you, Jang! It's my fault! How can you be ok with this?"

Jang snapped her fingers and she was out of her uniform. She turned to look at me. "I'm ok with it because if you hadn't done what you did, I never would have gotten to meet and fall in love with you."


"No. No 'buts.' End of conversation." She turned and started to walk back to the house. "Come on, lets go home." She stumbled a little bit and I rushed to her side.

"Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little tired, is all."

I put my arm around her and started to walk.

"So, is there anything else I should know about you?"

She chuckled. "Yes, but that's a story for another time."

When we got back to the house, all of the Avengers were in the house.

"Really? Seriously you guys, seriously?" Jang said. I looked down at her. "Wait outside darling. I'll handle this." She nodded.

"Just don't kill anybody ok?"

I smiled. "Sure, I'll try."


What was happinging inside? Loki had been in there for about 5 minutes now. Should I go in? I went inside and I thought my jaw would fall off. All of the guys were getting along just fine, even Loki! They were all laughing and joking. What the heck happened?

Tony saw me and walked up to me. He put his hands on my shoulders and looked me in the eye.

"I think your out of your mind to be with Rudolph over here, but if he makes you happy, go for it. " I smiled and gave him a hug.

"Thank you, Tony."

Loki pulled me away and wrapped his arms around my waist, putting his head on my shoulders.

"Careful now Anthony. Can't have you holding my woman, now can I?"

I giggled and pulled away. "Oh stop it."

I walked all of the guys out the door. I said goodbye to all of them and when I turned around, Thor was standing behind me.

"Hello Thor."

"Hello Jang. May I have a word with you?"

I shrugged. "Sure. What's on your mind?"

He gave me a hug. Ok, this I was not expecting. "Thank you." He said.

"FOr what?"

"For helping Loki. Before he met you, he was so broken. But now, I see the same person I grew up with, the same person who loved to smile and have fun. You gave me my brother back, and I cannot thank you enough for that. When he came inside, he stayed calm and explained everything. Is it ture you are courting him?"

I blushed and nodded. "Yes, yes it's true."

Thor smiled even wider. "That is wonderful news! Thank you again, Jang." I give him another hug and I heard Loki clear his throat from the doorway. He had a strange look on his face. Was he jealous?

"Don't get too attached to her, Thor. I am her suitor, after all. "

Thor chuckled. "I know brother. I promise, she is all yours. " He walked to the doorway and placed a hand on Loki's shoulder.

"Treat her well brother. She deserves it." Thor enveloped Loki in a hug. Loki tensed for only a moment before returning the hug. I smiled at the sight of the two brothers finally getting along.

'Everything's going to be just fine' I thought. It turns out that I was going to be proved wrong very soon.

(Next update might take a few days. Sorry!)

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