"Twelve years of waiting to kill just one person? That is some dedication there."

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?!" Harry yelled.

"Oh you know. Just saw Professor Lupin here walk around suspiciously thought I should follow him. And what do you know I find the golden trio and Sirius Black all in one place."

"You need to get out of here (y/n). Sirius Black wants to kill us. Didn't you hear him?!"

"Harry, Harry, Harry. If Sirius Black wanted us dead we would have been dead a long time ago with Professor Lupin being friends with him and all. Besides shouldn't you be the one running?"

"Enough talk! Let me kill him." Sirius said fidgeting back and forth looking towards the golden trio.

"Fine, but wait one minute. Harry deserves to know why." Professor Lupid said as he handed Sirius his wand.

"I know why. You betrayed our parents. You're the reason their dead." I rolled my eyes at Harry's response and scoffed. Everyone turned towards me but I just shrugged them off.

"No it wasn't him. Somebody did betray your parents, but it was somebody who until quiet recently I believed to be dead." Professor Lupin said.

"Who was it then?!"

"Peter Pettigrew! ... And he's in this room right now. Come out. Come out, Peter. Come out. Come out and play." Sirius said.

I looked at Draco and he looked at me. Both of us were thinking the same thing.

"This guy is off his nutter."

Just then Professor Snape came through the door and disarmed Sirius.

" Expelliarmus. Oh vengeance is sweet. How I'd hope to be the one that catch you."


Snape then points his wand at Professor Lupin.

"I told Dunbledore you were helping an old friend into the castle. And now here's the proof."

"Brilliant Snape, once again you put your keen and penetrating mind to the task and as usual come to the wrong conclusion. Now if you'll excuse us Remus and I have some unfinished business to attend to." Sirius said while walking up towards Snape. Snape then points his ward in between Sirius' chin and neck.

"Give me a reason. I beg you."

"Servus, don't be a fool." Lupin said trying to calm down the tension.

"He can't help it, it's habit by now."

"Sirius be quiet."

I hear Draco whisper to me.

"Those two act more like a old love couple than friends. Don't you agree?"

I snicker at Draco's statement. Thankfully only the golden trio noticed.

"Go bite yourself Remus!"

"Oh listen to you two. Quarreling like an old married couple."

Both Draco and I started snickering. I am sure both of us were holding in out fits a laughter so hard. We couldn't keep straight faces.

"Why don't you run along and play with your chemistry set."

Snape did not like that comment at all and pushed his wand into Sirius' neck more.

I couldn't help it any more I started laughing really loudly. Everyone except Draco was looking at me like I was crazy but I couldn't help it. Remus and Sirius fighting like a married couple and the fact that Sirius made fun of Snape was priceless. Screw the tension in the air.

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