Soraru, already feeling tipsy from having to drink both his and Mafu's fill, decided to thank Luz and head back home with Mafu. He never seemed affected by alcohol at first, but after it saturates his system he starts acting strangely which is why he figured he should get home as soon as possible.

The trip home was kind of blurred out to Soraru. They were able to get home safely though, for the bar was only a block away from the apartment. He figured he'd just get in bed and pass out before anything happens...

*I never even got to ask him...* Mafu thought. Just as he was about to get on the couch, however, Soraru grabbed him from behind and nuzzled his neck.

"Hey, Mafu," Soraru whispered, breathing on the angel's shoulder. "Do you know what couples like to do on Christmas?"

"S-Soraru?... are you okay?" Mafu blushed profusely. He was surprised by the raven's sudden change in demeanor.

"Did I ever tell you how sparkly and beautiful you look?" Soraru tugged at Mafu's shirt. "Y'know, there was one thing I've always wanted to try with a lover."

"A-and what's that?"

Soraru turned Mafu to face him and removed Mafu's shirt with ease. Staring at Mafu's wide-open, bright red eyes with his own half-lidded, dark navy pair, he said, "6-hour nonstop Christmas-time sex."

Soraru crashed his lips onto Mafu's before he could say anything and had one hand supporting him on the couch while the other held Mafu's body in place.

*I didn't even have to ask* Mafu thought as he deepened the kiss and hung his arms around Soraru's neck.

Soraru moved so that they could both lie on the couch comfortably and rubbed Mafu's back. His hands brushed against the wings, causing Mafu to let out a moan and break the kiss.

"So your wings are sensitive like that are they?" Soraru smirked at the flustered male before him, then lifted him up bridal style. "Let's take this on the bed shall we?"

He carried Mafu into the bedroom and tossed him onto the bed before jumping on himself. Then they started where they left off, pressing their bodies close and ravaging each other's mouths until they had to come up for air. As they lay on their side, Soraru trailed kisses from Mafu's lips all the way down to his neck. One hand rubbed circles on Mafu's lower back as the other caressed his right wing from base to tip.

Mafu let out a series of moans, his entire body shaking and coated in sweat. There was drool on his face from the kiss and his eyes were glazed over with lust. He reacted greatly to Soraru's fingers, tensing up every time he felt Soraru's fingers reaching the base and shivering as they stroked the entire length of his wing. Then he felt Soraru's fingers on his left wing. They circled around the base until Mafu's body came to a standstill, then they started moving up and down swiftly. Mafu moaned loudly and arched his back, a few tears streaming down from the pleasure.

Soraru's throat went dry from Mafu's cry. He started sucking on Mafu's skin and leaving behind a trail of bruises, both hands now caressing his wings. Mafu's mind went white from the feeling of having Soraru stroke both of his oversensitive wings at the same time. "So-Soraru! I can't-" Mafu screamed as he came from the mere sensation.

Soraru lifted himself up from Mafu and licked his lips as he admired the view in front of him. The angel's chest was covered in red love marks and his wings weakly flapped. He was facing away with an embarrassed expression; the red on his face almost matched his eyes. His hair shone with sweat and cast off a radiance due to the halo, and his pale skin shimmered with bishounen sparkles. *He looks absolutely amazing* Soraru thought as he leaned down to whisper in Mafu's ear.

"We can't have you wearing soaked pants now can we?" He smirked and took off Mafu's pants and underwear as well as his own.

Just as they were about to get it on, they heard the sound of jingle bells and the wall was smashed to smithereens. Out of the rubble and the dust came everyone from the bar, sitting in a magical sleigh and drunk high off their asses. Hashiyan was rapping something that sounded like

"YO Tonight is the renowned 6-hour straight sex for couples.

Even though the skies are clear it's a white Christmas

The socks are under the bed

Oh! This secret thing must be finished diligently"

Then they noticed the situation they walked into and started cheering. To celebrate, beer from a barrel shot up and rained down on them and they broke out into chorus and started dancing.

"Ah ah nanka ii kanji

aozora umi dou? kono LOCATION

Ah ah maji de NICE BODY


Ah ah rokorooshon Ah ah rokorooshon..."

Soraru felt this anger bubbling up inside him as he stared at his broken wall and 5 very drunk men, but then he looked at Mafu's scared expression and his anger turned to rage.

"GET THE F**CK OUT OF MY HOUSE!!!" He shouted as pushed everyone back into the sled and punched the sled off the face of the earth.

Mafumafu approached Soraru carefully and tugged on his arm. "I'll fix things up so how about you get some rest."

"Ah, sorry. Alright." Soraru planted a kiss on Mafu's forehead. "Feel free to climb into bed with me," he said before flopping onto the bed and passing out.

The wall was restored with Mafu's angelic powers of holiness and everything was tidied up in the night. Soraru woke up with an exhausted Mafu in his arms and buried his face in his hair. He lied on his bed and contemplated what happened last night.

The memories slowly surfaced in his mind. He remembered attacking Mafumafu, taking him into the bedroom and doing some bold things, and then... Soraru couldn't quite remember what happened after that.

Mafumafu stirred from his sleep and rubbed his eyes. "Good morning Soraru~ did you sleep well?"

"I did... but what happened last night after we-"

"Don't worry about it Sorarun~ I'll get up and make something." Mafumafu wanted to keep Soraru from remembering that part at all costs. The good mood that Soraru was in today didn't deserve to be fouled because of... that.

As Mafumafu got out of bed, Soraru pulled him back in and held him close. "You have dark circles under your eyes you know. Let's stay in bed a little longer."

Mafu turned around and wrapped his arms around Soraru, nuzzling into his chest. He felt warm.

*Bonus for the bonus*

     Soraru brought his laptop to the table as he waited for Mafumafu to prepare breakfast. He checked out a new collab that his friends uploaded on NicoNico.

"Rokorooshon... that sounds a bit familiar," he mumbled to himself

The video featured Amatsuki, Hashiyan, ShounenT, Sakata, and Luz at a beach, dancing to the prerecorded audio. There was a Christmas sleigh in the background and a barrel of beer that was somehow broken and raining beer all over the scene.

"Soraru, what are you watching?" Mafumafu brought the food over to the table and peered at the laptop curiously. Recognizing the people on the screen and what they were doing, he quickly closed the laptop and tried to think of something to say. His wings fluttered wildly and he was stuttering, trying to think of a way to keep Soraru's mind off of the video.

Suddenly, the memories rushed into Soraru's head. He grabbed his trusty AK47 and headed to the bar to deal with some unfinished business.

A/N: The same friend from Line that gave me the prompt for the last one-shot wanted a smut continuation for it, so she wrote it and asked me to post it here. So here it is! I'm absolutely hopeless at writing smut, but she seems pretty good at it huh? It was fun proofreading it at one in the morning w ^^

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