Chapter 2: Saving

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I'm writing this chapter on my phone, so it may be crap. I just hope whoever is reading this luvs it! :)
Now we shall start this chapter
Ali's POV
Waking up to the sickening smell of Latex gloves definitely wasn't fun. I heard the familiar sound of the heart monitor. I sighed, I was in the stupid hospital again. I looked down at my wrists and saw the bloody bandages wrapped around them. I was so fudged up in my head, I didn't belong in this world. I laid my head back down and stared at the white ceiling. I heard voices outside my door and I shut my eyes.
"Why the hell would that boy save Ali?" I heard a woman's voice say which I presumed was my mom
"Well you just put her on the street while she was bleeding and passes out, that's was most people would do!" A man's voice answered which was Bill's.
"Bill, shut up! Ali is nothing but an attention whore! Don't stand up for her!" My mother answered
"Your the attention whore here! I'm leaving, call me when you get your head on straight and start paying attention to your poor daughter!" Bill yelled. I heard foot steps near my bed and someone kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and saw Bill.
"Ali, I'm so sorry! Your mom just threw you on the street. I should've save you! I'm sorry" he whispered. I just nodded and closed me eyes. His foot steps soon faded away and I fell into a deep sleep.

Liam's POV
"Boys I'm going out shopping for food with Niall bye" I said
"Bye Liam" Harry replied
I grabbed my keys and headed to my car. I jumped in the driver's side and Niall soon got in the passenger.
"I'm hungry, can we stop at Nando's?" Niall asked.
I just chuckled and kept driving down the neighborhood.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT?!?" Niall screamed. My car swerved and I stopped. There was a girl who was laying on the ground with blood pouring out of her. I jumped out of the car and Niall did too.
"I can hear her heart, help me bring her into the car!" I yelled to him. I picked her up and she weighed like ten pounds. I felt like I could crush her she was so skinny.
"Nevermind, just open the door for me!" I yelled.
We put her in the back seat and drove to the hospital.
Why was she just laying there? Where were her parents? Why could I see her ribs? Was she homeless? Why was she bleeding? Was she gonna be okay?
Millions of thoughts raced through my head, as I raced her into the hospital. We parked quickly and ran her into the hospital and I screamed for help.
"Help she's bleeding and unconscious!" Niall yelled. Doctors and nurses rushed over and put her on those stretcher things. She was pulled into a room and we couldn't see her anymore. I didn't even know here, but I had to see her again. Niall was looking at me nervously.
"I really hope she's okay" Niall said.

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