Curiosity Killed The Cat

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"Dammit! I can never beat you!" A seventeen year old Beetrice punched the ground in frustration. Smoker stood across from her, catching breath. "You will eventually. You're making progress. Let's keep going." Smoker had been teaching Beetrice how to fight. She wanted to be strong enough to defend herself and her mother. So she had been weightlifting, training, and sparring with Smoker. 'I need to be strong!' He had even given her a handgun for her seventeenth birthday, much to her mother's distaste.

"Hey, kid. That's enough for today." Beetrice sighed in disappointment. "I need to talk to you." She raised a golden brow. "About what?" Smoker looked pretty nervous. He was fidgeting with his lighter, clicking it open and closed. "How would you feel... If I asked your mom to marry me?" Beetrice dropped her jaw in disbelief. 'No way! I never thought he'd ask!' "Its okay if you don't think-"" What are you talking about? I think that's a great idea! I thought you would never ask, old man," she teased. "Hey! I'm only thirty four. So... You're alright with it?" "Of course I am. When are you gonna pop the question?" The navy captain shrugged. "I'm not sure yet. This is kind of new to me, kid." Beetrice sighed in a depressed manner. "Me too." Smoker coughed awkwardly. "Kid, I'm not trying to replace your father. I know I never could. But I won't get upset if you want to talk about him either. I know you don't like to in front of your mom."

Beetrice's eyes drifted to the docks. "I don't remember much about him. He couldn't be around a lot. But he was a goof. He was so clumsy." The blonde giggled at the memories. "He'd even set himself on fire when he tried to help mom in the kitchen. But..." She hung her head. "I don't even know his name. Mom took every photo and the things that were his and put them in a box." Smoker sighed, knowing Vixie's reasoning for her actions. She wouldn't let her child go on knowing who father really was and her relation to his killer. But Smoker sensed it wouldn't be a secret much longer. "I know its tough. But listen to me. No matter what you find out, don't go looking for trouble." Beetrice tilted her head to the side. "I don't want to see you hurt, and neither does your mom." To ruin the sentimental moment, a woman with glasses ran towards them. "Captain! There's a problem!" "What is it Tashigi?" "Pirates! On the island!" Smoker cursed, looking towards Beetrice. "I'm sorry kid. Will you be alright going home?" "Yeah, I learned from the best!" "Be careful." With that, Smoker barked orders at his soldiers and was on his way.

Beetrice narrowed her hazel eyes and clenched her jaw. "I'm going to find out who my father is, and who did him in."

Doflamingo sat up in his chair, an unusual frown marking his sharp features. 'I can't stop thinking about Corazon's family lately... Heh. I suppose his little girl isn't so little anymore.' Suddenly, his den den mushi began to ring. A long arm reached to pick up the phone. "Who is this?" "Its Vergo." Doflamingo's lips stretched into his signature, predatory grin. "I have some news." "I'm all ears." "I think I found something that will interest you. Remember Corazon and discovering he had a child? Well, I just found his marriage license." Doflamingo's laughter shook the very walls of the room and echoed down the castle halls. "Shall I pay them a visit?" "Oh, yes. Give my best to the dear family. But, when you return, bring the girl with you. I may be able to make use of her." "Affirmative."

Beetrice tiptoed in the navy headquarters in search of the record room. Luckily, she had snuck an old photo of her father into her pocket as a reference. 'Aha! The record keeping room.' She opened the door and walked in. Papers and files were organized like they would be in a library. A young man sat at a desk in the center of the room, looking bored beyond belief. "Excuse me, sir?" He shot up, immediately straightening. "Yes, how can I help you?" "Where do you keep records of your soldiers?" "Well, it depends on which rank you're looking for. Do you know?" Beetrice looked crestfallen. All she knew was that her father was in the navy and died on duty. She never knew his rank. "W- well no... But I have a photo. Would it help?" "It just might. Can I see it?" She nodded hopefully, handing him the photo. "Hm... I don't recognize him. Do you know his name?" "I don't. See, he's my father. I just wanted to find out who he was." The desk man sighed in defeat. "I'll try and find something. We'll start with enrolled soldiers and work our way up." "Oh, thank you!" They spent what seemed like hours looking for a man that matched the photo. But they had been unsuccessful.

"Alright, let's move up to captains." Again, no luck. Beetrice stretched and yawned. 'At this rate, I'll never find him.' "Okay, lady, I'll give it a shot with past commanders, but after that, I'm done." Beetrice nodded in understanding. "Thank you."

Beetrice's fingers had been flipping paper for so long, she wasn't sure they could do anything else. 'Maybe its hopeless.' The slender woman froze, dropping the current papers she held. There it was. Beetrice gripped the record with shaky hands. Name:Donquixote Rosinante, Commander.
Time of death: 1:00am
Cause of death: Shot to death by his older brother, infamous and deadly pirate Donquixote Doflamingo while attempting to stop the invasion of Dressrosa.

Beetrice dropped the paper, her mouth agape. Now she finally understood. Sengoku came that night to deliver the news and the coat. Vixie stayed up all night washing it because of the blood stains. "Hey, did you find him?" "Ye- yeah. Thank you for your help." "Yeah. You have a good night." Beetrice didn't even hear the farewell as she stumbled out the door. 'I never knew what happened to him, who he was. To be killed by his own brother? And Doflamingo? That's his brother?' Beetrice paid little attention to where she was going. It was getting late. And around this time is when some of the worst people were active.

Pain put her in a state of shock as a large hand yanked a fistful of her golden hair. "What about this one, Al?" "Yeah, Disco will sell her at the auction in Sabody!" Beetrice acted on instinct and rammed her elbow into the man behind her and kicked the other in the stomach. With her adrenaline going, she proceeded to jump on the man in front of her. She didn't keep track of how many times she punched his face before being yanked off by the assailant. "You bitch!" But before he could strike her, flames engulfed his coat. "Aaah! Hot hot hot!" "You know, its people like you that really piss me off. You really were going to gang up on that girl." Beetrice stumbled away from the man and looked up to see her savior. He was tall, about six feet, and shirtless. He had a straw hat and a frecked face, now scrunched in anger. "Crap! That's Fire Fist Ace! We gotta go!" 'Fire Fist? The pirate?' "You alright there? Those hooligans didn't hurt you, did they?" Beetrice shook her blonde head. Her ponytail had come out, so her sunny locks strayed everywhere. "T- thanks." "I'm Ace!" He had a warm, friendly smile as he held out his hand for her to shake. "Uh... I'm Beetrice." "Nice to meet you! Now, do you know of any place that has good food? I'm starving!" "There's a place down the road. That way," she pointed straight down main street. "Thank you. Let's go!" "What?" Before she knew it, Beetrice was being pulled along by this cheerful man.

Steel Heartजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें