So all these little "rules" they have set mean nothing to me. I signed the paper with my name then we had to write a stupid as paragraph about why we are joining? What the fuck is this English class?

' I'm becoming a player because Ben asked me and I want to. If you actually take time to write a paragraph you're obviously way to excited to be a fucking player or you're a virgin which ever.'

X. Jace Allen

"Okay, are we done now?" I asked with annoyance.

"Uh. Yeah?" Luke said looking to Marcus for confirmation that it was over.

"I'm leaving then" I got up and went to walk out, I had no real reason to stay. I don't know Carter or Isaac, I don't even think I've ever seen Isaac before.

"Wait. One more thing. To place a girl in your game you have to mark her some how. However you decide you have to tell them so they can make there own" Ben explained. What the hell is this? I have to mark them? This game seems to be getting more and more stupid.

"When I kiss a girl, she's my game piece" I stated "cool?" I asked Isaac and Carter. They nodded

"Uh.. When I, I'll decide later" Isaac said while still typing on his phone.

I wave then walked out, but as I was walking out my phone started to buzz. I reached in my pocket by as I was pulling my phone out I ran into someone. I tried to catch the person but I was to late she had already hit the ground.

It was Ben's girlfriend and Carter's sister.. Uh. Sarah.

"Sorry" I mumbled helping her up

"It's fine, are they having a players meeting?" She asked crossing her arms. She was so timid while speaking usually girls as hot as she is, are really loud.

"Yeah. You're Ben's girlfriend and Carter's sister right?" I asked she nodded with a small smile.

"Yeah, your Ben's replacement?" She asked. I nodded "I'm really pissed about this game. I hate it so much" she said I shrugged

"It's kinda stupid but hey I guess it will get fun" I chuckled she shrugged

"What's you're name again?" She asked while moving her hair behind her ear.

"Jace. You're names Sarah?" She started laughing and I kinda just awkwardly smiled. She had a cute laugh to be honest.

"My names Sophie" she finally said still laughing. Right! That's what the name was!

"Oops" I laughed

"Well bye" she said while going around me and entering the house. She so.. Nice. It's sad they put her in this game, kinda. A lot of girls want in it, she seems to hate it though.


I pulled up at my house and parked in my spot. I walked into the house knowing my mom was upstairs in her office. I don't even remember what the hell she does, I know she in her office all day.

We are middle class, I'm not rich but I'm not struggling in life.

"Jay!" A little voice said, I smiled knowing who it was. My little sister Katie. She came running into me and hugging my legs she's 5.

"Kat!" I laughed picking her up, she hugged me around my neck and kissed my cheek. This is about the only girl that will ever have my heart.

"Toda-today I went outside and I found-I found a..a.. Rock that was all different colors" she said I nodded not really listening, she always repeats herself because she still talks like a kid but she talks enough to get me In trouble.

One time when Jade was over we got a little heated while baby sitting Katie. She was asleep on the other couch and Jade decided she would kiss my neck knowing it would turn me on.We ended up with me on top of her making out then Katie must have woken up because and I didn't know. when my mom got home she told her we were fighting with no clothes on and my mom grounded me for a month.

When I start to think about jade I end up missing her slutty self, but I know I'm better off with out her. It's not like I cared about her that much or anything..

I carried Katie to the couch and sat her down. I was kinda tired so I laid out on the long couch, she soon ended up laying next to me sleeping. I was about to fall asleep when the best idea ever popped into my mind.

I know who I'm going to make my game pieces.


yes Jace is a sweetheart and a sucker for his little sister. Tell me what you think?

So far the characters I have up are


And another's going up on twitter and Instagram.

Twitter: MrsTomlinson004

Instagram: mrstomlinson004

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