A Family Full Of Mysteries

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15 December, 1997 a girl was born she was as white as milk with pink lips and brown eyes. She was like an angel to her mom and dad they were really happy to see her. Everyone from her family gathered at the hospital. Well, lets go backwards for a bit so now let me give you guys introduction of her family. Her grandfather (from her dad’s side married three times) the first one was her real grandma, the second one she never saw but the third was just amazing. Though the third one is step but loved the family blindly. And yes her parents were first cousins. Grandpa (from her mom’s side) was really behaved and really nice as a man, father and a husband but she never got to see him. She has a big brother they both love each other they fight they have fun they are really nice together. Here is the sad part her mother has a sister but after her mom married her dad. The sister stopped talking to her she didn’t like her dad at all. It’s been almost 20 years they haven’t said a word directly but indirectly they are the best in talking. So now we are back in the hospital again. Time passed she grew up, everyone was happy. School life was amazing to her she loved her friends blindly she couldn’t even live without her friends. Her brother use to read at the same school. Well, as we all know her grandpa (from her mom’s side) died. He gave all the money and the properties to his two daughters but unfortunately the most smallest brother of the grandpa copied the signature and stole the properties. So, her mom or her aunt couldn’t get a little thing. Everyone in her family had a problem of talking behind their backs. But they loved each other no matter what the comments were. Her aunt (her dad’s bigger sister) use to come visit almost everyday they were one happy family till the little fights started to began. They fought over money over properties and other really silly and stupid stuffs. From her family few members were very low minded they were stupid and their minds were stuck at 1971! So time passed by she grew up and one day she fell in love with the cutest guy she has ever met they were really nice together but they couldn’t talk to each other because she didn’t have a cell phone her mom dad doesn’t allows her to have one. Well, one day the guy was telling that lets go out on a date the girl said no a lot of times because her mom and dad won’t allow her go outside they were very strict and as I said that some member’s brain was stuck at 1971. But she said yes at last but she was in very deep tension how will she go? What will happen next? She was really scared she got ready at six in the morning she got outside but she didn’t know what to do. So she went to her aunt’s house but eventually she got caught. Her mom and dad and the entire family thought that she did something wrong at night maybe she did something and again as I said some mind were stuck at 1971 but she didn’t do anything wrong but they didn’t believe her at all. The next day mom and dad didn’t let her go to school the guy was scared too. Her mom and dad gave a complain in her school. Principal called his parents many drama happened but they still loved each other a lot. They barely could stop thinking about each other and at the class party they hugged. They didn’t even kiss at all. Well her mom changed her school but she didn’t know about the hug. They couldn’t talk at all now because her dad locked the telephones and always locked the door and hide the keys. She cries everyday till now she does she loves him a lot but couldn’t tell him she was dieing inside still dieing inside she cries everyday now well that happens everyday but her parents doesn’t know anything about it at all. They didn’t even have a clue that she cries every night and she also saw him many times in her dreams and still does she misses her best friends they were always there for her. She really, really, really misses them a lot! She is now at another school there is a guy who always disturbs her a lot without any reason well she didn’t tell anything to her parents because she thought it will another pressure and a excuse to her parents she didn’t wanted to be a responsibility. Well she suffers that guys talking and disturbance everyday but still she didn’t tell her parents and yes she is also scared of a miss there she doesn’t why but everyone hates her there. There is another sir and a miss there who are really nice! Well, they are AWESOME! Well she likes a guy there who is really friendly and amazing as always he is long with baggy hair he is always in a mood and he is amazing! Ok so , till now this is all I wrote hope u like it and I’ll soon write the other parts later!! Adios amigos.         

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2012 ⏰

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