Magical Theory by Adalbert Waffling

One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi by Phyllidia Spore

Magical Drafts and Potion by Severus Snape

Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find them by Newt Scamander

The Dark Forces: A Guide to self Protection by Tom Marvolo Riddle

Other Equipment

A wand

Minimum one cauldron (spares shall be appreciated)

Minimum one set of glass or crystal phials (again, spares shall be appreciated)

One telescope

One set of brass scales

All items shall be available at Diagon Alley, London. Landmark: The Leaky Cauldron

Animals permitted by students to bring include owls, cats, badgers dogs, and snakes. Do note, animals other than the owl must be strictly contained and snakes, if they are venomous must have their venom glands removed.

We are also pleased to inform you that first years are now allowed their own broom and if they demonstrate the require skill, are permitted to play for their house.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall

Deputy Headmistress

"Great!" Harry exclaimed. "When do we go to London" How about tomorrow. Harry suddenly became nervous when his uncle smirked that malicious smirk of his, one that promised him pain.

"Oh! We wont be taking you to London. Your Parents are coming. They are going to take you. "What!" Harry hissed. He couldn't meet them. As mentioned earlier, they had abandoned him and basically left him to rot! But Harry guessed he should have anticipated that.

"They will be here in two hours" Aunt Petunia interrupted his musings and snapping him out of his thoughts. Forcing himself not to get emotional, he gave a final glance at his so-called-family before returning to his cupboard to get dressed up. He quickly changed into the clothes that previously belonged Dudley Dursley. It was one of the best fitting ones and was only one size bigger then his. The color wasn't faded either, as it was barely three months old. His cousin did have a growth spurt recently, only that it was sideways. He sniggered at that. Aunt Petunia wouldn't stop raving about how her little boy was finally growing up, as ridiculous as that sounded. He finished getting dressed and went upstairs to the bathroom to get a final look of himself. He had jet black hair that covered almost half of his forehead. He had vibrant green eyes that looked exactly like that of the green flare in his nightmares, the killing curse, Avada Kedavra. Just thinking about it made Harry shudder. He had pale skin that was unmarked, except for the left side of his forehead, where a lightning bolt shaped scar laid clear as day. He'd gotten it the very day the killing curse was struck upon him.

Harry had very good memory, almost too good. He remembered every detail. His parents going out. An intruder blasting the door apart. The sound of soft footsteps. Red eyes glaring at him, a green flare, then utter darkness. When he'd woken up, his parents were hailing his brother Roderick as the 'Boy-who-lived' and the 'vanquisher' of 'You-know-who'. He remembered his parents not caring about him all of a sudden and talk of him being a squib. He remembered experiencing the twisting feeling of apparition and a cold hard night at a doorstep.

Harry blinked as he realized he'd started crying. He blinked the tears away and washed his face. He looked at the mirror again before choosing an appearance. He was a metamorph, capable of changing his very bone structure. His face was almost as perfect as it could get with sharp features and a strong jawline that didn't look too much out of place, just right. He was, in his humble opinion, the most handsome eleven year old. Nothing to change here he thought smugly. He made himself a little taller, just because he could. At 5 feet 2 inches, he was quite easily dwarfed most other eleven year olds. Except Dudley that is he sniggered.

He put on a pair of canvas shoes. And went back to his cupboard to write the reply to his letter that he'd accepted.


Ding Dong!

Harry ran up to the door to answer it. It was most probably his parents. He was right. There they were. It had been more than a decade since he saw them but it seemed that they barely changed.

Lily had the same red hair green eyes that he remembered. It was very similar to his, only that Lily's was much, much, softer and lighter. She looked to be dressed in some kind of Halloween costume that Harry presumed to be a robe. It definitely looked expensive. With messy untamed brown hair and wearing similar looking expensive robes was James Potter. Harry immediately felt contempt churning in his stomach just by looking at them. Next he saw Roderick Potter. If Harry hadn't known they were twins, he never would have guessed it. Roderick potter had muddy brown hair and muddy brown eyes. He was definitely on the pudgy side and still had some baby fat on his face. Harry could also see a slight bulge near his stomach. He wasn't particularly handsome, nor was he ugly. In Harry's opinion, Roderick just simply looked bland. It almost disappointed him.

"Hello Harry!" It has been so long since we last saw each other! I don't think you'll remember me but I'm your mother, Lily" Lily said, smiling nervously.

"Hello mother" Harry replied venomously. "I remember you very well. I have a magically enhanced eidetic memory, and the reason we have not seen each other in a while is pretty obvious isn't it. And if it isn't I'll be more than happy to tell you."

"Now now, Harry, there is no need for you to be so rude. We just made a simple mistake and have come to correct it" chided James.

"No need to be rude" Harry asked incredulously. "Is your head that thick father"

"How dare you speak to my father that way" hissed Roderick. "It's fine Rod, Harry's just a little bitter" Lily spoke up.

Harry couldn't see a point in saying anything. Harry could either play goody two shoes or he could be the black sheep in the family. Personally, he preferred the black sheep.

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