Chapter 7-Nightmares

Start from the beginning

"Yes I don't see why not. "

"Well I do." We sat down at the table and started to eat.

"Jang, what were you dreaming about last night?"

I looked up at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Because you were saying my name and you looked absolutely terrified when you woke up. Was I doing something to you?" He looked at me, silently begging for an answer.

I couldn't possibly explain what I saw and felt, so why not show him?

"Here give me your hand. " I grabbed his hand and placed it on my forehead. He looked at me in confusion.

"Just trust me. And close your eyes. " He did as he was told and I mentally went through the entire dream again. When it was done, I saw Loki looking at me. I saw caring and sorrow in his eyes. But I couldn't accept that. It was just too risky for reasons he didn't know.

"I'm so sorry" he said.

I gave him a small smile. "No, don't be sorry. Thanks for helping me though. "

He smiled back. "Of course. "

Later in the day, we went to the living room and I sat down to draw while he read a book.

"Jang, remember when you told me that you give singing lessons to children?"

"Yeah. Why?" I was only half paying attention.

"Well, when do you give the lessons?"

"Every Thursday at 3:30... Oh crap!! Quick, clean up the living room and the kitchen! Lilly will be here any minute!"

I ran out of the room to get my music stuff, not waiting for answer. I gabbed the music and ran back to see the house perfectly clean. I just finished setting up the music stand when I heard the doorbell ring. I walked over and took a deep breath before opening the door. I saw Lilly standing there with her dad.

"Hi Lilly! Hello Mr. Cochran. "

"Hey Jang! Great to see you again! Sorry but I'm in sort of a rush. Now Lilly, you be good and listen to Miss Hana,ok?"

"I know dad! I just turned thirteen, remember?"

"Yeah, yeah I remember. Have fun!" I ushered Lilly inside and took a quick glance at her. Her blonde hair was short than usual, to about her shoulders an it was still really curly. Her blue eyes were still filled with excitement. She looked at me.

"Can we start now? Please?"

I laughed. "Sure. but there's someone I want you too meet first. Lilly, this is my friend Loki. Loki, this is Lilly."

Loki looked a little unsure about what to do but he smiled and took Lilly's hand and bowed.

"It is an honor to meet such a beautiful young lady. "

Lilly giggled and turned beet red. She walked into the living room and I turned and mouthed "Thank you. " to Loki before following her. We sat down and Lilly looked at me expactanly.


She smiled. "So, is he your boyfriend?"

I sighed. "Why does everyone think that we're dating?"

"Because you look cute together. That plus I think he likes you!"

"Shhhh! Keep your voice down! And how would you know?"

"I'm not really sure. He looked at you like your super special. Do you like him?"

I tried to hide my blush but she pounced on it.

"You do!! You do, you do! You like him, he likes you and your gonna start dating!!"

"Lilly please shush!"

She giggled. "Fine. "

I sighed, hoping Loki hadn't heard any of that. "Alright, let's get started. "

About an hour later, we were finished with the lessons for that day. I looked at Lilly. "Free sing?" I asked.

"Yes! Um... can we do 'Brave' by Sara B-"

I turned on the music, effectively cutting her off. She started singing and Loki came in the room. She stopped when she saw Loki but I nodded for her to continue.

Loki turned to me, his trademark mischievous grin on his face. He walked up to me and bowed, extending his hand towards me.

"May I have this dance milady?"

I blushed. "I don't dance, Loki."

I heard Lilly behind me. "Oh come on Miss Hana! Do it!"

I sighed. "Fine!"

Loki pulled me close to him, puting one hand on my waist and holding mine in his other one. I put my hand on his shoulder and we swayed to the music and Lilly's voice. He pulled me even closer at the end of the song and just held me, looking into my eyes.

"Um, I'm still here if anyone cares. " Lilly said. I pulled away and saw a faint pink in Loki's cheeks. Was he blushing? If he was, it was undiniably cute. I heard the doorbell ring and opened the door to see Mr. Cochran waiting outside. I walked back into the living room to get Lilly when I saw Loki on his knees and Lilly whispering something in his ears. He pulled her into and hug and said something back.

I walked Lilly out to her dads car. "What did you tell Loki?"

She smiled mischievously just like Loki. "That's for me and him to know, and for you to wait until he tells you! Bye Miss Hana!" I watched them drive away before walking inside.

I saw Loki on the deck outside and I walked up beside him. "What did Lilly tell you?"

He chuckled. "She said a couple of things. She said that we would look cute together, that she knew I liked you and you liked me, and that I should ask you to be my girlfriend."

I felt my blush increase with every word he said.

"I swear, I'm going to kill her next time I see her. "

He laughed. "Please don't, I'm rather fond of her. " He paused for a second. "Jang, if I asked you to court me, what would you say?"

I literally thought I would die from my heart beating too fast. I looked at him.
"Well that depends now doesn't it? are you asking?"

He looked...nervous.

"Well, yes. "

"I, I don't know Loki. Give me some time to think about it, ok?"

He looked hurt, and my heart broke. He walked back inside and I just sat there, thinking. I knew I liked him, very much so. That wasn't the problem. There were just so many things he didn't know about, so many things wrong with me. And being with him could be risky. He could get hurt, and it would be my fault. Could I take that chance? Could I risk loving him?
Yes. Yes, I could.


What was I thinking?! Why would someone like her ever court me? She had been outside for a while. Not moving, just siting in the grass I went outside and hesitated. Should I say anything?

She patted the ground beside her, motioning for me to sit. I did and she leaned into my side. I was unsure of what to do so I just put my arm around her shoulders. We sat in a comfortable silence for a minute, just looking at the sunset.

"Loki?" she asked


"Thank you. "

I looked at her, confused.

"For what?"

"For accepting me as I am."

I smiled, understanding what she meant. For accepting her even though I knew what she was.

"Of course. You accepted me."

She looked up at me and smiled. I loved it when she smiled.

"Yes, by the way. " What on earth was she talking about? She laughed at my confused expression.

"Yes, I'll court you. "

Mischief Meets Mischief (A Loki Story)Where stories live. Discover now