New friends

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Macs POV:
I walked toward my locker when all of a sudden I saw this kid sitting alone eating his lunch. I walked over to him and said "hey, I'm mac, mind if I sit here?" He smiled and I sat down. I started asking him what his name was and other stuff. Apparently his name's Finn and he's super nice. The bell rang and I waved goodbye to him and hurried to class.

Ellas POV:

My next period was chemistry and my teacher was picking lab partners. I had Elise in my class and the new kid. She had already partnered Elise with someone but I knew a lot of people here so it was ok. She finally called me and said "Ella you're going to be partnered with Finn Wolfhard". I had never heard that name before so I turned to the new kid and he did an awkward smile. We went to our tables and they gave us some time to get to know our partner. "Hey I'm Finn" he said very quietly, I smiled kindly and told him my name. "Nice name" he said awkwardly, I thanked him and they gave us an assignment.

Macs POV:

The final bell rang and i ran out of class. I met up with Elise and asked her about her day. "Oh my goodness Noah is so cute and nice and aghhh" she said, I laughed and we walked to the bus. As we walked into the bus I saw Finn sitting with Noah. He stood up and allowed Elise to sit next to him and he sat down next to me. The seats on the bus were very small so he was kinda squished with me, i don't think he noticed but I saw him blush a little.

A/N: I'm actually laughing so hard RN oh my word

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