First Day

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Lapis POV

   My alarm clock goes off at exactly 7:45 and I sit upright to see my boxes packed in my corner. I time myself perfectly and am finished getting ready at exactly 8:00. I can't wait to meet my roommates at Crystal Shores University. When I walk downstairs my mom sets food down on the table. I smile and throw it away. I never eat breakfast because I always get Starbucks on the way to school. The blue gem on my moms necklace glows as she glares at me. I laugh and go upstairs to get my boxes. As I carry my boxes to my Blue Ferrari. My mom hugs before I leave and as I pull away I see her crying. I knew she'd check my room after I left so I left my new address on my bed for her. It's the first day and even though I'm nervous I know she's more scared than I am.

   As I pull into the student parking lot, I see students everywhere. I see a blond haired girl with green plaid pass by my car. I yell out to her and she turns. She's gorgeous.
   "Can you help me? I can see you only have one box," I say. She smiles and nods. She carried one of my boxes and I carry my other two. She goes in the office to see what dorm room she got and I wait for her. When she comes out she's smiling.
   "We are roommates," she says. I smile and we walk to our room together. When we get to the room, our door is open. We walk in to see two other girls in the room.
   "Hi. I'm Lapis. And you are..." I ask. One girl with purple hair answers, " I'm Amethyst and this is Pearl." She gestures towards the girl next to her. She has blond hair with pink tips.
   "I forgot to introduce myself," I her the blond haired girl say, " I'm Peridot."
   "I like that name. It's nice to meet you guys. So where am I sleeping?" I ask and Pearl motions towards the last open bed.
   "Where do I sleep? There's only three beds," Peridot says.
   "You can have my bed. I can sleep on the couch," I say and she smiles. I love her smile. I set down my boxes on the couch and start unpacking. When Pearl and Amethyst go to their first class, Peridot and I are alone. Our classes didn't start for another half hour. Peridot brushes her teeth and she sees me looking at her bed. She takes out her toothbrush and spits.
   "If your want the bed you can have it," she surprises me, "I don't need it. Or we can share a bed." I nod when she says we can share and realize that I nodded too quickly. She smiles and lets me decorate first. I let her decorate the bed and one wall while I get the other wall. I realize Pearl and Amethyst have a bunk bed.
   "We should get one of those," I say motioning towards the bed, "it would be easier to sleep on." She nods and we decide to got shopping after school.
Hope you liked this episode and I can't wait to make the next one.

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