Part two

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"Harry, I'm going to miss you so much." You whisper.

"Let's not think about it, lets make the best of tonight. Okay, babe?" He forces a smile.

"You're right." You reply with a sigh, squeezing his hand as you make your way through the park. The sun begins to set on the horizon as you spend your last night with Harry before he leaves to go on tour.

"Do you want to swing?" He asks.

"Of course." He leads you to the row of swings near the playground and you pick two next to each other.

You both sit there and swing, talking about the weather and basically trying to keep your minds off him leaving. Soon, the sun is hidden behind the trees and the street lamps illuminate the area.

"Come here." He coaxes you over. You oblige and move from your swing to him, sitting on his lap. He holds you close, gently planting a kiss on your neck.

You turn and position yourself on his lap as he holds your back, holding you on him.

You connect your lips with his and let your hand finds his hair, earning a slight moan from Harry with a gentle tug.

You get an idea to play with him. You break the kiss, pointing behind him, towards the field of the park.

"What is that?" You point.

Just as he turns to look, you hop off his lap and run for the slides.

"Oh no you don't." You hear him call and turn back to see him chasing after you.

You reach the playground and climb the bars, Harry hot on your tail. Once you make it just before the slide, you feel Harry's hand around yours, as he grips ahold of your body turning you to him.

"Got you." He smirks playfully.

"I don't think so." You scramble to get away from, but fail as he holds you and presses himself into you.

"Okay, I surrender." You whisper in his neck.

"Good, because I'd never let you get away." He replies, whispering into your ear.

(How you doin lil mama lemme whisper in yo ear okay byE lol)

"Wow, so cheesy." You laugh and he joins in.

"But I like cheese, as do I this." He says before pressing himself against you causing you to whimper. "I know you like it too." He adds, he says as you feel your stomach and cheeks heat.

"Maybe I do." You lower your hand to his growing bulge, gently tracing your fingers over it. He sucks in a sharp breath and bites his lip.

"You like that, huh?" You giggle as he kisses your neck.

"Don't make me fuck you on this play ground." He warns playfully.

"What if I do?" You fight back with a devilish grin.

"Shit. You're something else tonight." He searches in your eyes. "Are you my girlfriend or an alien?"

You smack his arm.

"I'm an alien of course." He laughs at your response. "An alien that wants to fuck my man."

"Get in the slide." He demands. You do as he says and he soon climbs on top of you, filling the small heated space.

Immediately he kisses you, his hands slip under your shirt as he does. You squeal with laughter as his hand traces of your stomach, tickling you.

All of a sudden he abruptly stops his movements.

"Did you hear that?" Someone faintly says.

"Shit." Harry whispers. "On the count of three, run to my car." You nod your head.

"One." He moves carefully off of you.

"Two." He nears the end of the slide and you move right behind him.

"Three." He says and you both bolt for his car. He attaches his hand to yours as you run down the path away from the two women.

"Stupid kids!" One of them remarks and you crack up in laughter as well as Harry.

Once you get to his car, you're both laughing so hard, until it hits you... he's really leaving tomorrow.

(Bow chicka wowow.. I thought I would update this even though I hadn't planned on it but whatever.. I'll finish this little story that I started here one of these days. anyways idk bye :-)


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