“I said I try, I didn’t say I was successful.” Louis could feel Harry glancing at him, even as they drove through the city to the restaurant where the other boys were already waiting. He knew he shouldn’t enjoy it, and he kind of didn’t, but he kind of did. It pissed him off that Harry was risking their safety to look at him, it just went to show how irresponsible and immature he was. But then again, it made his heart thump a little too loudly in his chest from this weird emotion that kept popping up out of nowhere. One minute he would be content with being angry and frustrated and nearly hating Harry, and the next his heart would swell at the sight of Harry’s eyes on him and how close his hand was to his knee as it rested on the gear-shaft of the car. Everything about this… thing… that they had going on confused him.

“You don’t try.” Harry’s eyes were on him again. He could feel them boring into his head and he fought the urge to turn around.

“Eyes on the road, dipshit.” 

His own eyes shifted to the side, too subtly for Harry to see, but enough for him to notice Harry’s brow furrow slightly as he turned his eyes back on the road. The look was gone in a second, barely there long enough for Louis to be sure he even saw it at all.

“I told you you were being pissy.”

It took everything Louis had to stay calm. His blood pounded in his ears and his face was red and hot. He clenched his jaw hard and glared ahead, the parking garage of the restaurant loomed ahead and he focused on the thought of the boys. He would sit between Zayn and Niall and Harry wouldn’t be able to do anything. 

The younger boy pulled up to the barrier and rolled down his window, pushed the button on the box and retrieving their ticket. He leaned back in and held the card out between his middle and index finger. Louis took it from him without looking, eyes trained on the cars parked along the walls as they drove passed. 

"Don’t lose that," Harry said, turning the corner and glancing at him. Louis rolled his eyes but stayed silent. He was determined to hold back, he wouldn’t give Harry the satisfaction of messing with him whenever he wanted. 

The car turned into the parking space smoothly, the engine humming for a brief moment as Harry adjusted into park, Louis unbuckling and jumping out of the car before the keys could be removed. He walked to the lift, shoving his thumb against the the button on the wall, the doors opening automatically. Harry squeezed through the them, just as they began to close.

"Fuck, Louis you could’ve waited."

Louis didn’t respond. He pressed the number 5 a few more times with the tip of his forefinger, breathing deeply and turning the ticket over in his hand.

"And don’t bloody drop that ticket. Put it is your pocket or something, you twat."

Again, Louis remained silent. He breathed deeply through his nose, closing his eyes and trying to quiet the pounding blood in his ears. He willed the heat in his face to disapate and the tense, jumping nerve in his jaw to still. He could almost feel alone, the only sounds his own; his heartbeat, his breath, the flicking of the card in his fingers—

A rough hand hit his own, releasing his grip on the piece of paper and sending it spiraling to the floor. His eyes shot open, but again, using every ounce of restraint he had, he held back from punching Harry in the face, from screaming at the top of his lungs, from jumping onto the smirking boy beside him. Instead, Louis simply bent over and retrieved the ticket from the ground, shoving it in his pocket.

"God DAMMIT Louis!" Harry yelled, hands pushing into his curls and gripping them. Louis turned his head to look at him just as he charged, emerald eyes blazing. "Fucking REACT to me! SHIT! I just need you to fucking— FUCK!"

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