17: Rest My Weary Head

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“I was working,” she said, signing as she spoke.

She tried to slip past Gabby. A hand grabbed her by arm and spun her back.

Don’t, Gabby signed, releasing her arm. Don’t brush me off like that. I saw the TV. You were out there in the middle of all that, weren’t you?


Weren’t you? Her finger pointed jerkily, and Niobe realised her hand was trembling.

She hesitated. She was caught. “Yes,” she said finally.

Gabby slammed the door and stormed away from her. Niobe wanted to talk to her, call her back, but it was useless. Gabby always dominated their arguments like this. You couldn’t argue with the back of a deaf person’s head.

Damn it, what did Gabby want from her? She got upset when Niobe went out on jobs, so Niobe tried to keep work separate from their home life. But that just seemed to upset Gabby even more.

Niobe stayed rooted to the floor and watched as Gabby stalked across the room, her shoulders rising and falling with barely suppressed anger. Or maybe she was just fighting back tears. From her spot near the door, Niobe could see Quanta’s picture plastered across the early edition newspaper sitting on the table. The picture did nothing to convey the fire she’d seen in his eyes when he’d leapt onto their car.

She was still frantically trying to prepare her counter-arguments when Gabby turned and flew back towards her.

You said it was safe. You said it was an easy job.

Niobe had to make her understand.

I did it for us, she tried.

I felt the car getting damaged. Gabby touched her forehead. I felt the gun being used. You were fighting.

Bloody hell, she hadn’t thought of that. Gabby was a gadgeteer. She retained a form of psychic link with her creations. Of course she’d know what Niobe had been getting up to.

Look, I’m sorry, Niobe signed desperately. The car’s not in bad shape, you can

I don’t give a damn about the fucking car! Gabby’s arms moved furiously. That maniac had dozens of metas with him. I watched the news all night, waiting for them to find your body.

I’m fine. She tried to smile reassuringly.

Gabby pointed to Niobe’s cheek, where Avin’s claws had raked her.

Then what’s that?

Niobe opened her mouth to defend herself, but the door creaked open and Solomon’s face appeared. “Uh…you guys okay?”

Gabby followed Niobe’s gaze and started.

“Ah, damn,” Niobe said. “Solomon, this is Gabrielle.” She caught Gabby’s eye and signed to her while she spoke. “Gabby, Solomon.”

Solomon grinned and nodded to her as he slipped inside. Gabby waved back. I thought she’d be more nervous, Niobe thought. But she looked more embarrassed that anything. Embarrassed that he’d seen them arguing.

You don’t mind him being here for a while? Niobe signed.

Creases formed between Gabby’s eyebrows.

Why would I mind? You’re the paranoid one.

But I thought…. She let her hands drop. She couldn’t work Gabby out.

The sharp corners were going out of Gabby’s face, but the pain was still there. Niobe’s heart sat heavy in her chest. She bit her lip.

“Maybe you should go get started on those files,” she said to Solomon. “We’ll just be a second.”

He nodded and took the hint, retreating to the kitchen table. Trying to ignore the look on Gabby’s face, she led her to the bedroom and closed the door.

You’re still working, Gabby signed. Her movements were small, resigned.

There’s a kid out there somewhere, she signed. This Quanta bastard’s got his hands on him, and he’s got something dark planned, I know it. We’re trying to get him back before that happens.

Gabby studied her face, her grey eyes locked on Niobe’s.

What’s his name?

Sam. He’s only thirteen.

What did he do? Gabby signed. Why does Quanta want him?

It’s a ‘sins of the father’ situation.

Gabby didn’t drop her gaze. Niobe tried not to squirm. How was it this woman always made her feel like a bloody schoolgirl being reprimanded?

There’s more, isn’t there? Gabby signed.

Niobe sighed. No point holding anything back now.

Cash. Lots of it up for grabs. No, don’t look at me like that. It’s enough to get us out of here. It’s enough to get us a ticket on a lunar rocket.

A pause. Gabby’s face went through emotions like someone flicking television channels. Niobe held her breath and waited to see which one Gabby would land on.

She was ready for the slap this time, but it still stung like all buggery.

You knew, Gabby signed. You knew right from the start how dangerous this would be. That much money. And you know the worst thing? You didn’t even discuss it with me. You promised you’d talk about this, but you didn’t. You were too busy playing private fucking detective.

She started to storm away, and Niobe threw out her arms and tried to pull her into a desperate hug. It didn’t work. Gabby pulled away and made for the door. There were tears on her eyes.

Niobe made one more grab for her, pulling her around to face her. “Where are you going?”

To fix your car. I’ll leave the dynamic duo to do their bloody work in peace.

Gabby slammed the bedroom door as she left.


This book is available now at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords. Find out more at www.chris-strange.com.

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