Chapter Two (Where's the knife?)

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"You brought her here," my big brother asked. "She doesn't need to be here. She needs to be in rehab."

I gulped. "I just wanted to help her. This was my first time seeing her in years. When I went to that concert, I had planned on seeing a beautifullly changed girl. Instead, she was depressed and broken inside."

"That's not your fault," he said.

I raised my eyebrows. "It doesn't have to be my fault for me to care."

He sighed. "Do you still, you know, like her?"

I looked down and didn't say anything.

"You do still like her."

I shrugged. "I never stopped."

He patted my shoulder. "I respect that you love her and want to help her, okay? Just try your hardest, okay? And if your hardest isn't good enough, call me up. We can bring her to the closest rehab center together. Okay?"

I nodded. "Alright."

"We'll tell the others when they get home. Until then, you should keep an eye on her."

He patted my shoulder one more time and left the room.

"Wait! Riker?"

He walked back into the room.


I paused. "Do you think I could help her on her own? Do you think I could fix her up, good as new... alone?"

He shook his head. "Not alone but I'm sure everyone else will want to help too."

I nodded. "Yeah."

He left the room and I sighed. I guess we just had to try our best.

I ran up the stairs and to the guest room. I gently put my hand on the doorknob and turned it silently. I cracked the door open a bit and peeked in.

She was still on the bed I had laid her on and her eyes were still closed.

I cautiously opened the door a little wider and took a few steps inside.


I looked around. Everything was dark.

Where was I? Was I in Heaven?

"Hello," I called out. "Anyone there?"

No answer.

I called out again. "Hello?"

This time someone yelled back. "Yes?"

"Am I in Heaven," I yelled into the darkness.

"No," the voice answered. "You are home."

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused. "What?"

"You are home," he repeated.

"How can I be home," I asked. "Last thing I remember, I was performing a concert in..."

I paused as realization spilled through my body.

"LA," I finished warily.

Memories of my home flooded through my brain.

My family.

My house.

My school.

Every memory was shady because it's been so long since I thought about home but I already knew whatever it was like, I missed it.

I gulped. "Where am I exactly," I asked the mysterious voice.

The voice didn't reply. I decided to ask it something else. "So I'm not dead?"

"You are not," the voice said.

I rolled my eyes and grumbled. "Why not?! I want to be! Everyone wants me to be! I need to be... dead."

The voice yelled. "Those are lies."

I closed my eyes frustrated for a second. "Where's my knife," I asked.

No reply.

I crinkled my eyebrows angrily. "Where's my fricking knife," I yelled again.

No answer.

I walked around angrily until I hit a hard, black wall. I pounded on it. "Give me my knife back!!"

"No," the voice yelled.

I felt a sharp pain in my wrist. I gripped it forcefully. "Just let me end my pain," I yelled.

"Laura," I heard a different voice say.

"What," I yelled angrily.

"Laura," the voice said again. "Wake up!"

I furrowed my eyebrows. I'm asleep?

"Wake up! You're having a nightmare!"

My eyes jolted open.

I looked down at my wrist. Gently placed on my lower arm was a hand. I looked up and locked eyes with the boy that was kneeling by my bed.

"Who are you," I asked trying not to show emotion.

He looked down. "I'm Ross."

"Yeah, but who you are to me?"

He gulped. "I, uh... used to be your best friend."

I squinted my eyes at him. "I don't remember you," I said.

He sighed. "I didn't expect you would."

I looked down at my wrist, then back up at him sternly, trying to hint at him to keep his hands off of me.

"Sorry," he said as he pulled his hand away.

I didn't reply right away. I looked around for my knife. I felt all the pockets in my pants but felt nothing. I jerked my head towards this Ross fella and stared him down.

"Where. Is. My. Knife?"

He stood up. "I don't know. I think it's still at the Verizon Wireless Arena from when I stopped you from... you know "

I shook my head. "Why would you stop me? I was about to end my suffering!"

He shrugged. "Because you are worth a lot more than you think you are. No one wants you gone. We all love you."

I cringed at that word.

Love. Blah, blah, blah. That word's such a lie.

"As if," I scoffed.

He held my hand. My eyes jolted towards the touch. Instantly, I flicked his hand off of mine.

I heard a creaking sound. I turned towards the sound to see a tall, blonde boy slowly opening the door to peak in.

Ross turned towards him.

"The others are home," the boy said.

Ross nodded. "We will be right down."

The tall blonde left and I turned to Ross.


"Yeah," he said. "I need to go meet with them to tell them about you, and now that you're awake, I am NOT leaving you up here."

And that concludes this chapter. I know it's all still a little bit confusing but as the story goes on, things will become a little more clear. :) Review or vote plz.

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