Chapter 1: Restart

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"This life wasn't made for me to enjoy. Did I want to change it? No. Was it my choice? Yes. But nothing in the world would ever be perfect. Not for me anyway. Why? Because I am a living weakness, that nothing can be Broke Away."

-Ross Shor Lynch

"I never wanted to be here. Why would I want to be? This place just ruined my childhood memories. It's a place I would never want to be in, where life would just suddenly Break Away."

-Laura Marie Marano


Chapter 1: Restart

Laura's POV

My feet were rested on the cold areas of the car's dashboard as the air conditioning was up on high since we traveled along the sandy mountains of a hot desert.

The air felt dehydrating. Hot, and dry that any animal out in the open can just die in the areas of sand.

"How're you doing Laur?" Dad asked me.

"Super," I sarcastically lied.

I wasn't happy about moving. I never agreed, but it wasn't my choice. Throughout the long 5 hour drive, my dad and I listened to old fashion country music that I did not like. I seriously would've stayed back with mom if I had the chance. But where was mom? Gone. Gone as in dead. Her presence just helps me survive the suffering 18 years of my awful life. One of the many reasons why I never wanted to leave Miami. But then again, it wasn't my choice.

Miami was the one place where I felt I was happy, knowing I'm still in the one place that still had bits of memories of my mom. So leaving it, was a crisis just waiting to ruin my life.

Why are we moving though? Because dad's girlfriend moved to the place we're going and he can't live without her. Yeah, whatever.

"One more hour to go!" Dad said, trying to cheer me up. Ha, well keep trying cause it won't work. Nothing at all will work.

"Yay," I said without excitement at all. Why would I be? All I did was stare out the window, and roll my eyes in the opposite directions.

The hour that dad said so passed quickly as I started seeing civilization.

"Welcome to Hallowed Mayne?" I questionly read the 'Welcome' sign. "Hallowed Mayne sounds creepy."

"Relax Laura. You'll have fun here, I promise."

As we stopped at a red light, I suddenly felt strong winds blow towards us, followed by a zooming sound. That definitely wasn't the weather. I looked outside my window and saw 1... 2, 3, 4, 5... 6 people wearing black leather jackets, riding on motorcycles. And I could've sworn, one of them was a blonde girl.

Dad closed my window since I'm guessing they frightened him too since they were right next to our car.

"Bikers? This is 2014. Not 1965," I assumed.

"I actually never knew that the place we're going to had bikers. Oh well. Hopefully there won't be much where we live." My father replied.

Finally, the red light turned green. And the bikers zoomed past us, and all went as a group on the same road. My eyes were distracted by them, as I barley listened to what my dad said.

"What? The bikers distracted me. Sorry dad," I apologized.

"I said that that's our new home right there," he smiled as he pointed to what looked like a two starry house. Not too big, but... Perfect I guess. The house was probably the highlight of our move.

"I know you want your privacy so, unlike normal houses where the rooms are on the second floor, and the living room and stuff are downstairs, I decided to change up arrangements."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well, it would be like the first floor is my house, and the second floor is your house. And I'll stay completely out of your business," he smiled.

A smile grew on my face cause that's sorta what I wanted, "Thank you dad!" I gave him a hug, pulling my seat belt closer to him.

I pulled away, as he parked his car into the driveway of our new house. Right next to us, there was a dark pinkish, open hood car that looked old fashion but perfect for a typical teenager like myself.

"Is that our new car too?" I wondered.

Instead, dad just laughed, "it's yours sweetie."

My eyes widened, "Really?! Thank you!" I hugged him again and quickly jumped out of his car to get into mine. I'll admit. We look rich because the house looks like a mansion.

"Outback, there's a lake," dad mentioned as he got out of his very own car.

"There's a lake too?!" I screamed in excitement.

"Yep! We'll take a look at it later. First, let's get in the house."

Dad helped me out of my car, walked towards the house and opened my door.

As I stepped my foot into the house, I could've sworn that I felt a sudden urge that my life here was gonna change. Forever.



The next chapter will be about Ross, I promise😋 Then Raura😍

Trust me guys, this story will be exciting :))

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