Pregnancy Frustrations.

Start from the beginning

Yet it was the nights you found the most difficult to comprehend with.

Settling down in bed, in a comfortable position was easy; it was the same position every night. Your back was the most comfortable to lay upon, a hand laced with Harry's as he curled up on his side to face you – having a bump growing at the mid of your hips made a barrier between you and Harry that made it disagreeable to cuddle together like you'd done before the pregnancy had gotten to the ample size that was average for a 6-month pregnancy.

Yet, as the hours passed, heat would swallow you and turning into a huffing mess was your best bet to get your mind wracking for a way to get rid of the feeling.

However, the breathes leaving your mouths had a tendency to wake and rouse Harry from his slumber, earning a disgruntled yawn and a hum of what the matter was; he was no foreigner to the elbow to the shoulder or a kick to his thigh or a grunt to his ears as you shuffled around to get comfy.

This night, in the middle week of June on a warm evening, was no different. You'd fallen asleep together, breathes synchronised and hands laced together to signify that the other was still right beside them and sleeping soundly as ever, ankles somehow interlocked and calves pressed against one another as the hours passed through the night.

By 3 that morning, you were hot. Kicking the sheets away from your body and catching his ankles with your toes in the process, a subtle grunt leaving his lips as he shuffled around beside you and remained in his constant snooze, wheezing softly from his throat, his breath escaping between his parted lips. Your arms tensed as you tugged at the sheet and tried to adjust yourself,

"S'the matter?"

You heard him wonder in the darkness, and without even catching a glimpse across to him in the darkened room, you could sense the sleep and the confusion lacing his features, matching the tone of his words as he spoke deeply and raspily. His voice catching in his dry throat, as you heard the sounds of the sheets rustle beside you and the springs of the mattress creak beneath his moving body weight.

"M'hot again," you hissed harshly, "you're makin' me hot, Harry."

That was an exaggeration; it wasn't his fault. He happened to be there, as a person to blame, because you were clueless of what to count as the liability.

"I haven't done anythin'," he grumbled, sitting upright and reaching across your body, flicking on your bedside lamp and lighting the room up with a yellow glow from the lightbulb hidden behind the shade, "I was asleep the whole time. How is it my fault?"

"You're the one who got me pregnant," you muttered, swinging your legs over the edge of the bed and letting your ankles swing out, "you're the one with the sperm in your balls. You're the one with a canon as a dick. You shot your sperm into me and look where we are now," you hissed through clenched teeth, your palms pressed to the mattress beneath you as you pushed yourself up to your feet and let your soles come into contact with the plush and fluffed carpet lining the floor, "you're sleeping in a bloody jumper, for Christ sake!"

You could recognise the green material from anywhere; his Packers hoodie that you were more than never nestling into when you needed comfort. Whether it was to cosy down when you needed something other than one of your own or whether it was to block out the thoughts of missing Harry throughout the day when he'd pop out to run errands and make a stop at the shops to get dinner for the coming evenings. It was one you'd fig around looking for when you wanted to cosy back into a jumper; and Harry found it endearing to see when he came home to the material drowning you and hanging dramatically loosely down your torso.

"I put it on because you wanted the windows of the bedroom open through the night," he responded softly, his fingers held into a fists as he rubbed his eyes from the lingering sleep taking home at the crinkling corners of his eyes, "I got cold when you went to sleep so I slid a hoodie on."

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