"Oh so that's what you on now Brandon?"

"Yeah trynna hit my brotha" He laughed.

"Oh Imma get you-" he shot another one off hitting me.

"AH FUCK!!" I hissed. He was gonna get it. He took off and I grabbed another one and chased behind him.

I lit it and Pointed directly at his feet. It went off and hit him. "SHIT" He laughed. He ran past grabbing another one dodging Mylin's Roman Candle.

"I'm comin back for yo ass " He Told Mylin before runnin off to light his.

I ran and cut through some houses with him right on my heels. I jumped just in time, the fire going past me.

"HA! You mi-" I turned the corner as he shot another one off, Missing me.

I Quickly glanced back. "HA! MISSED AGAIN" I ran through some more houses coming up from around the corner and back into our neighborhood.

I turned around quickly shooting two off and he jumped. I went to shoot another one off but the stick was empty.

"FUCK" I stopped and held my hands out. "I QUIT! Mine is empty!!" I plead laughing as he ran towards me still.

He bumped right Into me causing us to fall into the grass. We laughed loudly as he was on top of me.

I wouldn't imagine any of this happening earlier or the day before but look at us now.. Just laughin and having a good time like nothing ever happened.

He got up and held his hand out. I grabbed it as our laughs were calming down and stood up.

"Oh so that's what we on now Ari?" I looked up seeing Mario glaring at me and My eyes widen immediately. I glanced back at Bibby to see him returning the cold glare.

"Mario, what're you talkin about?" I asked frowning.

"You had this nigga layin all on top of you and you was gigglin all in his damn face" He continued to mugg Bibby up and down as he spoke.

"For yo information nigga I fell on top of her, getcha information straight G and don't think you Finna come ova hea' checkin her cause that's what you not gone do" Bibby threatened.

The whole neighborhood had fell into a thick silence everyone wide eyes staring between Bibby and Mario, after Bibby said that I just Knew some shit was about to go down.

I glanced back to see The guys walkin up. Squeak hand sat at his waist and I already knew what he was grippin on.

Mario let out a sharp chuckle. He started shakin his head at Bibby as if he took him as a joke.... Mario didnt know who he was messin with.

He took a step up. "This..." He started while pointing at me. "Is my Girl so if I see ANY nigga on her no matter who he is.. I have the rights the say sum if I see some shit that I don't like."

Bibby twisted his face up. "Girl?" He looked at me disappointment filled his face. I looked away quickly in shame.

"Yeah nigga, oh she aint tell you?" Mario asked raising his eyebrows.

"Ari.." Bibby called but I was too afraid to look at him. He called me again. "Ar'mariah"

I finally looked up answering him. "What Bibby?" I said in a bit of a snappy tone. I was annoyed by this shit. Their beef made no sense to me, neither of them would tell me what ever happened between them.

"You goin with this Bitch ass nigga after I told you to leave his ass alone?"

Mario frowned. "Bitch ass nigga?" He stepped up some more and I stepped right infront of him before he could get any closer to Bibby. Bibby wasn't even phased by it, he hadn't budged not one bit but I could see the savage look in his eyes.

"Mario STOP! Just. Go home.. " I told him.

He looked at me in disbelief. "Really you sidin with this nigga?" He asked. I didn't care if Mario was my boyfriend or not No matter what, Bibby has been by my side since birth and I was gone Take up for him Regardless. And like Bibby said. I knew him longer. We had a strong bond.

"Mario! Leave!" I demanded. He stared at me a little bit longer. He shook his head and blew air out of his nose as he walked away getting into his car.

I turned around as Mario sped off to see Bibby walking away. "Wait! Bibby!" I caught up to him grabbing his arm.

He snatched away as he turned around, his face flushed with anger as his eye harden. "Leave me the Fuck alone Ari"

"Can we just talk Bibby??"

"About what? You being hard headed as hell??" He snapped.

"Bibby, you can't control who I date okay? You fucked up-"

"That's not the point Ari!!" He nearly yelled causin me to jump.

"You can't trust Mario His ass-" He cut his sentence short and continued to stare at me. "Forget it Ari, but I'm tellin you, stay away from that nigga." He warned. He turned away walkin into his house leaving me standing in his yard looking dumb founded.

I turned around to see NL and the girls lookin at me. Everyone looked so disappointed in me and I knew right then and there that I fucked up.

Bibby and Mario beef was way deeper than what I thought. I had to get to the bottom of this.

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