Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: I wrote this quite a long time ago. It was before Spiderman HC. Please keep that in mind when reading and I guess I am going to upload this chapter because so many people seem to like this book.


I was sitting on the couch getting worried. Peter was still in Germany and so was Spiderman. He was on TV slinging around and fighting Captain America and his friends. (Let's pretend it was on TV)

I had heard on the news about the Accords and the bombing that had happened. Peter was on Tony's side obviously, but I couldn't pick a side when I didn't even know the full story.

When Peter got punched my eyes widened. My stomach dropped. "Emile what's wrong?" Aunt May asked.

"Nothing," I said as I quickly got up and went to my room I couldn't bear to watch it anymore.


When Peter got home he had a huge black eye and was very sore from all the fighting he had done.

I helping Aunt May find something to put on his eye. "So who was it? Who hit you?" She questioned him from the next room.

"Some guy," he said plainly. I rolled my eyes.

"What's some guy's name?" I questioned from the other room.

"Uhhh, Steve," he said. I rolled my eyes. Really? Captain America decked Peter in the face. I smiled and laughed a little at the thought.

"From 12C?" May questioned. "With the over bite?"

"No, no, no, you don't know know him. He's from Brooklyn." He said. I followed Aunt May as we walked into to Peter's room. I now had a straight face with an angry look.

"Hope you got a few good licks in." She said as she handed him the ice.

"Yeah I got quite a few in actually." He said as he took the ice and place it to his face. "His friend was huge. Like huge. That's way better thank you." He said.

"Okay tough guy." She said as she got up off his bed. I was still standing in the doorway.

"Love you May." He said as he looked over at me. "Hey can you shut the door?" He questioned as he gave me a smile. I stepped in his room and shut the door behind me.

"Spill the beans, big brother." I grumbled as I sat down on the edge of his bed.

"I don't know what you're talking about." He said rather quickly.

"Cut the crap Peter. I know. I heard you and Tony talking about how you were Spiderman." I said. He put his face in his hands. Obviously he was upset that I knew.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I questioned in a softer more calm voice.

"Because I don't want you to get hurt, Em." He said as he gave me an almost pained look.

"I'm not going to get hurt if anything you are." I said. He took his hand out from under his shirt. A Spiderman symbol projected onto the ceiling.

"Woah," we both said at the same time. I slowly stood up and smiled down at him.

"You got your ass beat by Captain America." I laughed softly and grinned at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Like you could beat him." Peter retorted.

"I've always beat up Flash for you do I need to beat up Captain America for you too?" I laughed.

"That's cause Flash at least has the decency not to hit a girl, plus if he touched you I think I would have to go all Spiderman on him." He said. I smiled, I loved our little banter back and forth.

"Well, I'll see you in the morning, Spiderman." I winked as I got up off his bed. "We got school tomorrow. I gotta help Liz set up Homecoming decorations so we need to leave early." I told him. When I said the name Liz it was like he went into a daze. I rolled my eyes and walked out of his room. He was madly in love with that girl, except he never spoke a word to her other than maybe an awkward hello.

I entered my room, my sanctuary. I had old Star Wars posters covering my wall. I had a lot of other old movie posters too, like Back to the Future and The Breakfast Club. All some of my favorite movies. My bed was small, but that didn't really bother me. I had a small TV that Peter had found in a dumpster. It worked fine, I just had no remote for it which was a pain in the ass. I also had a record player and a bunch of vinyl. Everything a girl could ever need. 

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