0 | Prologue

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0 | Prologue

There once lived a boy named Morning Star, who was the child of the very Sun and Moon themselves. He was a beloved prince to all of the Sky Country. Despite having all the riches that he could possibly imagine, he still felt a horrible emptiness inside him. Each day he'd sit on the edge of Sky Country and look upon the world that he gleamed above from. Of all of the wonders and beauties of this world, he found a particular girl the most beautiful and wonderful of all. She'd wake up at dusk each day to see him in his prime, shining brightest of all. They'd gaze at each other with a sense of longing for years, yet both were helpless to ever reach each other.

His father and mother grew worried about their son because of this. The Sun approached him, asking, "why do you gaze upon this simple girl from the mortal world, when we can grant you the hand of any star maiden you wish?"

Morning Star sat in silence for a moment longer, looking at his mother and father with a mournful gaze. "There is nothing more that I want than the girl that I've watched from the day her soul has birthed into this universe. There are no riches that can quench my desire for her. There is no star maiden in all the galaxy that could ever match her beauty."

"Earth is a cruel realm that would crush the spirit and seep the light out of any star. I am the only one who has the ability to grant your wish, but I would never condemn my only son to such a place."

The Moon and Sun left their prince, who hung his head in sorrow. The Sun didn't didn't mind this too much because he believed he had his boy's best interest at heart, and he will move on one day.

The Moon thought otherwise. She scarcely disagreed with her husband and always chose her battles wisely. So when she did speak, the Sun would listen knowing this, and that the Moon never failed to grant wisdom each time she uttered a word.

"Our son will never be happy if we restrain him from following his dream," the Moon murmured, watching her son from afar with thoughtful eyes.

"I'm only doing what will protect him. If he becomes mortal, we will never see him again," the Sun replied solemnly.

"We needn't be selfish. If he is willing to give up everything in the pursuit of which he believes is happiness, we should not be the ones to stop him."

That night, while the Moon was busy at work, the Sun approached the grieving prince who still stared down at the earth longingly. "Are you willing to sacrifice everything you possess for this mortal?" He asked, making the boy jump as he seemed to appear out of nowhere.

Morning Star's eyes widened. "Yes, I'd go through hell to be with her."

The Sun gave him a sad smile. "Then so be it."

The Sun touched Morning Star, creating a blinding light. The prince felt a sinking sensation with a slight burning as he clenched his eyes closed against the glorious light that which the Sun was emitting.

"Goodbye, my son," was the last he heard his father's voice before he knew nothing more.

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