Tony's Sister - Peter

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Do you know how hard it is to have Tony Stark as your big brother and live with all the Avengers when you're trying to date? No? You do.

"Steve what the fuck did you say?" You angrily asksed Steve walking into the Avengers common room where everyone was sitting. "(Y/N) you know Cap doesn't like that kind of language." Natasha said, smirking at Steve. "You won't let that go Romanoff?" Steve asked her, giving her a death glare.

Ever since that one time where Steve told Tony to watch his language, he's never lived it down. Steve probably has the most foul mouth of you all when he gets angry. "And I don't know what you're talking about (Y/N)." He said with a smug grin on his face, looking to you and Tony. "Darren won't even look at me in school, I said hi to him and he nearly passed out, he won't even answer any of my texts." You shouted to him, anger turning into sadness as you slumped down on the sofa, Wanda was sitting next to you. "That's the third time." You added sounded defeated.

"I didn't like the way he looked at you, I just politely warned him to stay away or I'd kill him." Steve said with a shrug, like it was nothing. You really do love the fact that they all look out for you, but it's annoying. You just want to be normal, and date normal people.


After 2 weeks you saw what Steve saw. You saw the way he looked at girls and it was intimidating, also he treated other girls like shit in school. He tried to date one of your friends and you warned him, saying if he hurt her, he hurts you, which means Steve will hurt him. He stayed away after that, you could even say he matured up a bit. Maybe this would be the making of him, a threat from Steve makes him mature.


You were going to give up on dating until Tony came home one day, with a new avenger. He's cute, and young. Probably your age you thought. Spider-Man aka Peter Parker. You hit it off straight a way. He was in awe of everyone, especially Steve. You got along, helped him with fighting just like Natasha taught you. You'd train with them all when others were on missions to keep them company. Peter is now living in the complex and he goes to the same school as you which is great. The girls love him and you're kinda jealous but he doesn't pay much attention to them, not all the time anyway. He's so passionate in school, it's nice to see someone who enjoys what they're doing.


"No I'm not interested thanks." You said coldly to the guy who's trying to get you back to his place. He's on your class and he's always been flirty with you but you never paid him attention, he does it with all the girls. "C'mon baby, I know you want it." He whispered in your ear sending a bad shiver down your spine. His hand slipped from your arm and groped your ass. You slapped his hand away. "Oi, leave her alone!" Peters voice shouted down the corridor. "Oh look, it's the orphan, why don't you go running back to mommy and daddy? Oh wait.." he intimated Peter and you could see the sadness wash over him. Your anger raged and you bent his arm back until he screamed in pain and everyone heard a crunch.

"Fucking hell you bitch, I think you broke my arm." He shouted with spite in his voice. "Miss Stark, my office, now." You sapped your head around as you heard the principles voice. You sighed, Tony's going to kill you. "It's after school time though sir." You said to him in a soft voice. "You're on school property. Office. Now." He said holding open his door. You sighed and walked in. "Mr Walker, you can wait outside, Mr Parker you are free to go." He said to them both. You didn't want Peter to go. You wanted to give him a hug and tell him everything is going to be okay but he left.


"She did what?" Tony asked as he was sitting next to you in the office. "She broke his arm." Mr Kane informed Tony who was extremely annoyed at you. "He groaped my ass, it was sell defence." You argued, protesting that you shouldn't have detention for a month. "He did what?" Tony shouted standing up. "Mr Stark please sit down." The principle got slightly worried. You put your arm on his and he sat back down. Tony went on his tablet and hacked into the school cctv. You all watched as he groaped your ass, it wasn't bad but you didn't like it.

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