Vladmir x Yurio x Victor

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Once upon a time, Vladmir Vladimirovich Putin chosw=e to seea ice skate show. Vladmir had

his Putin Snootin' out to find Yuri Plisetsky, a smooth young figure of 15~

Vladmir sat on a chair, awaitin for the shwo to begin. He could not contain his stiffy when Yuri swooned out on 2 the ice.

When the msuic started, Vladmir's heart beat increasted. His eyes became glued to the smooth young figure of 15's single left buttoc.

Yuri's sly skatin left ol Vladdy in a daze. Vladmir had to get up and leave the arena before he splooged, after a few minutes, Yuri came out and locked eyes with Vladmir then pulled him aside.

Yuri shoved ol Vladdy up against a locker room wall, not allowing his shorter height to stop him from his need.

He did a breath onto Putin lips, and whispepered "I've been watching you, BAAKAA."

The word shent shivers straight to ol Vladdy's albino cave dweller.

"Oh?" Vladdy chiked, reaching his handfs up to stroke Yuri's piss color hair.

And at that moment, Victor walks in...

Vikky strode to the mens, and groped Yuri's left buttoc. So squish.

Vladdy was shoked by this develpment, but alowed it to continue.

Yuri moved into Victor's grasp and pulled Vladdy along with, making a manwhich of V's

They all moaned at the exact same time with animu blooshes.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2016 ⏰

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