Chapter 5

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Bella's POV

Oh my god it happening! Rose is going to have the twins! What am I going to do? What are we going to do? I know I can deliver babies, but these are my babies. What if I mess up? What if...

"Bella stop thinking and help me here!" Rosalie yells at me. Okay Bella you can do this.

"Rose I need you to lie down on the bed for me," I say. She lays down and I start doing whatever it is that I have to do (I have no idea how this is done... sorry).


"Okay Rose, I need you to push for me," I say. Here's the moment we've all been waiting for. My babies are about to be born. This is so exciting.

"Bella stop thinking and tell me what to do. You're the one that knows how to do this, not me," she states.

"You're doing fine my love, just keep pushing." (Just keep swimming, just keep swimming 😂😂 okay back to the book.)

Rosalie screams and everything starts. The rest is just a blur to me, I was too focused and excited to realize what was really happening. In the end, we got to beautiful babies. One girl and one boy. The girl's name is Lauren, and the boy's name is Max.

"Our two beautiful babies are finally here," Rose whispers.

"They look so much like you Rose, and that's a good thing. If they looked like me, they would look like baboons or something like that."

"Bella shut up, you're beautiful too. My beautiful loving family, is finally complete."

She looks up at me with so much love in her eyes. Why did I ever think that Edward was the one for me, it's always been Rose. No matter how hard anyone tried to get me to fall for them, Rose will always have my heart. My heart is just for her, and nobody else.

"I love you Rosalie," I whisper.

"I love you too, my Isabella." She leans over and gives me a quick kiss.

"Is that all I get?" She looks over at me, and stares me down. "What it was a serious question?" I raise my hands up in surrender.

"No more long, deep kisses for you. I'm not going through this again, and we all know what those kisses would lead up to," she says.

"But Rose... are you trying to kill me here. You're kisses are amazing, and you're just going to cut me off cold turkey like that?" Man I love our little jokes. Hopefully she's not serious on this one.

"You do have a point there Bella." She looks away for a second to think. "Maybe I'll kiss you like you want me to, after these babies learn to walk."

"Just maybe? I seriously think you are trying to kill me here." I grab my heart and fall on the bed beside her.

"Oh get up you big baboon, you know I'm only joking."

"Yay!! I can only go so long without my Rosalie kisses." I smirk and peck her lips. "Okay you and the babies need to rest, and I'm down for taking a nap. Let's get some sleep."

"Whatever you say doctor," she says. Now she's really trying to kill me. We all lay down, Rose curled up to my left side, while the babies are in their cribs beside the bed.

I'm so happy how my family turned out to be, I couldn't be happier with my life and how it is right now. Maybe my life was bad after he left, but now I know my life will be happy for the rest of time.


A/n: I know this is a sucky ending, but I will have an epilogue for this story so I can tell you how everything turned out for the Swan family. I hope you have enjoyed this book, and I thank you guys for even looking at the first story to make it this far. I hope everyone has a merry Christmas or a happy Hanukkah, or whatever you guys celebrate. And once again thanks for reading...


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