House Arrest (Bernard X Reader)

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You were probably the most clumsiest elf in the whole North Pole. Not to mention, mostly everyone knew you almost had as short a temper as the head elf himself, Bernard. So when "Santa" decided it was time to "follow the rules" and give all the kids coal, you were furious.

"That's ridiculous. You're ridiculous!" You cried and everyone, even Bernard, stared at you. You glared at the fake Santa.

"You know what's ridiculous? These kids deserving toys!" He snapped back and ordered his giant toy soldiers to capture you. Bernard immediately stepped up.

"WAIT! He's not the real Santa guys! He's a fake! He's just plastic!!!!" The head elf called waving his arms around like a lunatic. You turned surprised. The soldiers were ordered to grab Bernard instead. You watched as they grabbed your Head Elf and walked off.

You turned menacingly to Toy Santa.

"HE WAS OUR HEAD ELF!!" You cried in horror and Toy Santa snorted.

"We don't need a Head Elf, silly girl. And unless you want to end up like him I'd curb your temper." He instructed which made you even more furious. How dare he?

The rest of the day was spent working on coal. Who knew making lumps of coal could be more work than making toys? You certainly hadn't. You worried about Bernard, who apparently had been put on house arrest. How was he doing all alone in his house? Was he lonely? Bored? Angry? Your mind slipped and as a result you dropped the lump of coal you were working on and it rolled across the floor causing another elf to trip over it and fall into another elf which soon ended up being elf dominoes. You immediately went red as a not so happy Toy Santa approached you.

"Nice going, Nimble fingers. Now look what you've done.. Take the rest of the night off. I don't care where you go just don't come back here." The "man" insisted and you dropped your tools. Tears formed in your eyes, as you raced out of the workshop.

That's not Santa... Santa would never say those things... You tried to comfort yourself but it didn't work. You knew you were clumsy but you had never done something like this before. Wait. Why were you crying? You wiped your eyes.

"This is stupid. He's not even Santa. He has no right to boss me around." You declared to the wintery night. "Maybe I'll visit Bernard and see how he's doing."

You walked across the town to what you knew was the Head Elf's home. You had never been here before but you had seen Bernard, Curtis, Santa and many other elves walk in and out constantly. You had never worked up the nerve to talk to Bernard much less go to his house.. Your silly schoolgirl crush always got the best of you. You approached the door, eyeing the toy soldiers stationed on either side. They didn't bother you so you hesitantly knocked.

The door was pulled open just a crack and half of Bernard's face could be seen through the crack. You gave him a weak smile and he hesitantly opened the door a bit more.

"Uh, (Y/N) hi uh what're you doing here... Shouldn't you be making coal for... Santa?" He choked out the word Santa and you winced.

"No, um, he kicked me out because I... I knocked a bunch of elves over." You blushed as you recounted the events and Bernard laughed heartily. He was used to your antics.

"Oh! I should've invited you in, pardon my awful manners." He moved over to allow you entrance to his home. You stepped in and he closed the door quickly behind you.

"I'm sorry he kicked you out." Bernard stated awkwardly and you shrugged.

"Where is the real Santa, Bernard?" You asked him, changing the subject and Bernard went red.

"Well uh you see Santa had business with Charlie to attend to and he, uh, well the Toy Santa was Curtis' idea. I told them it was a bad idea but they never listen!!" Bernard rambled and you giggled. He stopped and turned to look at you.

"What?" He asked, noticing your giggling.

"You. It's not as hard to talk to attractive elves as I thought." You replied honestly and Bernard opened his mouth to reply, then closed it not knowing how to reply. He stood there for a few moments, speechless.

"You... You think I'm attractive? Like... Good looking?" He asked, bewildered and you shrugged.

"Uh.. Yeah. I think you're a nice looking elf. I used to stare at you and that's why I never met my daily quota of toys and oh my god I just said all that to you!!! Bernard, I mean, I'm not a stalker I just-" Bernard laughed. You tilted your head to the side in confusion and he chuckled.

"You're cute when you're confused." He stated. You took a moment to assess what he said and then looked at him with wide eyes. You pointed to yourself.

"Me. You're calling me... Cute?" You asked shocked and Bernard looked confused.

"Um yes? Is that bad? Or...?" He trailed off and you laughed.

"No Bernard it's just... I've never been called cute before." You explained quickly and Bernard seemed to relax, knowing what he said hadn't made you angry.

You and Bernard stood quietly for a while until the door was yanked open by some random elf.

"Bernard! (Y/N)! Come quick, Santa's back!" The girl called and you turned to Bernard a big grin on your face. Bernard ran out the door followed by you. A bunch of other elves were running too... And then you had lost Bernard.

You stood near the back of the group of elves as you watched Santa go and catch Toy Santa. Then, Bernard ordered everyone outside and that's when the attack against the toy soldiers began. You didn't join in.

I'd just trip over my shoes and embarrass myself if I tried, you thought. A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts. You turned and there was Bernard.

"Hey.. Why aren't you joining in?" He asked smiling gently. You shrugged.

"Not the fighting type... Plus I'd end up tripping over myself. I'm not that graceful." You explained and Bernard nodded in understanding. The two of you stood silently and watched the other elves fight as Santa and Toy Santa came hurling to the ground.

While Toy Santa was being taken care of, Bernard turned to you.

"This is the part where in the workshop Santa, or Scott, will propose to Carol in the workshop. If she says yes, he gets to stay Santa Clause. If not, then we get a new Santa I guess." Bernard explained as the two of you stared at the workshop.

"Are we going to go watch?" You asked curiously and Bernard shrugged.

"I mean we could... But I have a better way to spend our time." Bernard replied with smiling and you tilted your head to the side, confused. Bernard took your hand into his, pulling you a bit closer.

"You're cute when your confused." He whispered and then he closed the gap between you two, pressing his lips to yours. You were surprised at first but wrapped your arms around his neck as his found your waist. When the two of you pulled away for air, you giggled, running your hands along his face.

"I guess it's truly isn't that hard to talk to attractive people... Or kiss them." You added and he laughed.

"You're attractive too you know." He replied nuzzling his head into your hair and you laughed.

"Prove it."

"Ok but don't say I didn't warn you!"

He then proceeded to drag you back to his home where... Love making happened. THE END!

House Arrest (Bernard X Reader)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora