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The final metal door clinks closed behind Camila. She jumps at the sudden sound, clinging to her small bag of personals. Everything is new to her. She's seen shows and movies about prison but actually living it in reality is another story. Off white walls. Eye piercing Florence lights. Cracked tile floor. Then the smell hits her. A deep bleach smell mixed with sweat. Her nose crinkles but once they arrive in front of a room all her other senses heighten. 

"Cell Block 3, Cabello." The guard speaks into a walkie talkie. The door slides over on it's medal supports. Camila is greeted with every head turned in her direction. An uneasy feeling fills her gut.

"Bunk 5 newbie." The same bald guard pushes her forward. She walks on, making no eye contact at all. She mentally counts the beds she's past until she comes to the fifth bed. The entire room is just beds with desk at the foot of them. Waist high walls wrap around the beds seperating them in groups of four. No one is in the bed across from hers. 

Thank you. Camila praises the absent cell mate.

She places her bag on the small bed before sitting down herself. Thoughts of 'how did she end up here?' creep into her mind. But she quickly realizes she has an entire year to think that over. With a sigh Camila falls to her side curling into the fetal position then shutting her eyes tight. 


"You see the new girl yet?" A dark skinned girl ask the green eyes across from her.

"Nope. I've been busy." Those same green eyes scan across the crowded cafeteria and fall on one girl in the same orange jump suit.

"Tell me you ain't still fucking with mother fucking Celine. Dinah will have your ass killed!" The dark haired girl stabs her mountain of mash potatoes in complete rage.

"Calm down Mani. I know what I'm doing." She winks picking up her own spoon.

"For fucks sake Lauren you never learn!" Normani piles food into her mouth as the other girl just smirks.


"Lets go ladies! Hustle! The female guard, with a clearly visible mustache, yells as the girls go in to the showers. Camila grips her towel closely around her body. She isn't a stranger to the female body but having so many other girls in such close proximity as she cleans up is unsettling. 

The showers are lined up against the wall. Only a thin piece of shower curtain gives off the illusion of privacy. Most curtains are torn, half way ripped off or completely absent. Once a shower is open she inches towards it. 

"I'll be quick!" A taller girl with short brown hair slides in front of Camila. She drops her towel in her stride. Camila quickly adverts her eyes from the newly naked girl in front of her. Turned away she nods and waits. 

All the other girls walk the showers in the buff so freely. Not that Camila has a bad body, because frankly she doesn't. But she's heard the horror stories of woman prisons. Nobody wants to be someone's bitch. 

"You're up yo!" The now drenched girl steps beside the shorter one, just barely grazing her shoulder with full on side boob. Camila cringes but her instincts tell her to retreat. 

Camila shakes the feeling while hanging her towel. She turns on the shower and begins lathering up. 

"Damn, nice ass!" The same voice from before echos in the shower. Camila gasp turning throwing her limbs over body parts. "Sorry, forgot my sponge." She winks then exits the shower.

Complete horror washes over Camila as her heart beat finally slows down. She thought for sure something was going to go down. She finds her self thanking that higher power once again. 

Once showers are over, Camila walks to her dorm. She absent mindfully braids her damp hair. With her mind a million miles away she doesn't see whats coming straight for her.

A gang of girls containing four, walks her into a corner. Completely unaware of how to handle the situation her eyes go from one girl to the other. Two darker skinned girls, one with shaved down hair, the other has braids. A fair skinned girl with a missing tooth. And finally a girl her shade but short black hair.

"Your hair is so pretty." "It'd be a such shame if something happened to it." "Even more shameful to waste it on someone like you!"

With that two girls hold down Camila's hands while the other pulls her braid. The toothless girl pulls out a make shift knife.

Camila's adrenaline rushes through her. She kicks and kicks. Trying to pull her hands free she finally takes to yelling verbal slurs. "Get the fuck away from me!"

Lauren and Nomani are walking through the halls to take their own showers when they round the corner seeing the commotion. They're up for a good fight so they stop to watch. 

"Who do you think it is?" Mani whispers.

"Who cares, Toothless Tully is about to cut a bitch!" Lauren roars with laughter before whooping. 

Just as Camila is about to give up hope and accept that she will be bald from now on, a force slams Toothless Tully into the wall beside them. All of the other attackers scurry away in fright.Camila slides down the wall taking in deep breaths.

"You okay?" The same girl from the showers kneels in front of her.

She can only think of two ways to respond. Thank the girl or gain a bad ass rep by going off on her. Her brains decides both is better.

"Thanks. But I could handle myself!" She stands then begins walking to her dorm again. She passes by a staring crowd. Everyone gawkes at the new girls attitude toward the one who helped her. A flash of green eyes catches her attention but they quickly vanish as guards near the commotion.


"Who the fuck does she think she is?" A short blonde with brown roots leans over the table. 

"She fucking owes me. I'll have her kissing my big toe goodnight. No. She will fucking beg me to kiss my big toe!" The tall girl from the shower and the hallway shouts back. The pair sit on a bunk in Cell Block 5. Everyone is in their evening activities. 

"Dinah, I heard something from Archer." She lowers her voice.

"About?" Dinah replies, looking around to see if they're free to talk.

"She said she saw Lauren and Celine sneaking around the laundry room." The shorter girls voice goes lower.

"Well fuck Bea don't you think that's something you should of said earlier?!" Dinah shouts before storming off making her way to Block 3. Bea and multiple girls run after her.


Camila curls up in her bunk. Turning to stare straight up at the ceiling. Willing herself not to cry. Crying is a sign of weakness. But she's never felt more defeated.

"Nice show earlier." A husky voice pulls Camila's attention to the girl dropping on the bed across from her. Green eyes stare back at her. Camila just drops her head back onto the pillow closing her eyes. She's had enough interaction with cell mates for the day.

"Not talking in here will quickly get your ass beat." The green eyed girl continues. She removes her boots then walks over to Camila's bunk. She hovers over the girl.

She finally notices after re opening her eyes. "Jesus Christ! What the fuck?!" She jumps into a sitting position ready to pounce.

"Relax. I'm Lauren." She sits next to the other girl on the bed. 

"Camila." The younger one tucks her knees under her chin.

"Camilla." Lauren tries the name out in her mouth.

"No Ca-mee-la." She pronounces it properly for her.

"Whatever. So what are you in f..." Lauren begins but is interrupted.

"Jauregui! You dumb ass bitch! I told you not once, not twice but three times to stay the fuck away from Celine!" A voice comes booming in to the dorm.

Lauren's eyes go wide. Camila's head turns to the girl and now crowd coming there way. 

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