Start from the beginning

The toughest part was that she had just to make sure that not to encounter her father during her visits. It was going to end up ugly and she was drained of her parent fighting energy, if ever something like that even existed!

Sometimes she wished she could be as bad daughter to him as he was a bad father. But she was made of another kind of stuff it seemed. No matter how vile he was, she still considered him as her father. It still hurt; the way he shunned her but she was used to it now. She did not expect anything from him since she had the Cooper and the Crighton family.

“Yes. Want some?” Zoey asked her breaking into her thoughts.

“Sure,” she replied grinning and walking to the kitchen. “Have you met Zach?” she asked her friend who shook her head in answer.

“No not yet. Adam had called him over this afternoon. You know how he is. Working and working,” Zoey told her rolling her eyes in a majestic way.

Zach Cooper was indeed a workaholic. He did not even have a proper house and used Adam’s house as his sanctuary the few days he decided to get back home for some sleep. Zoey had tried to talk some sense into him but her brother was as obstinate as their father. For him each project was a challenge and he never got tired of undertaking every one of them.

Unlike Adam. He was one to take things lightly. Everything. Too lightly even. And that was why Rhea had difficulty in believing that his so called proclamation of love was true. Adam Crighton was one of a kind.

Once, he had convinced his father that he wanted a Mercedes but just after the sale, he had decided that it was not good enough. He was that fickle and Rhea was sure that his love for her would also fade with time. And besides, if her own father was unable to love her, she doubted that someone else could.

“That’s good. I wanted to invite him for my birthday party too. We’d better start calling some friends for tonight,” she suggested but was unprepared for the next question.

“So what’s with you and Adam?” asked Zoey suddenly out of the blue which made Rhea jump and spill her tea.

Where the hell had that question come from? She and Zoey had never talked about Adam except for the time when he had told her that he wanted her. And at that time, Zoey had told her to ignore him and that Adam must have been drunk or something. After that, they had never mentioned the topic again.

So, Rhea had never told her best friend that Adam Crighton had been calling her every morning to profess his undying love for her. But Zoey had been present in the flight yesterday and when Adam had called it had been difficult to avoid her. She had dismissed the call ten times before finally listening to what he had to say with clenched jaws. But Zoey had found out that it was Adam and had put two and two together.

Hell, she did not know what to make of it and asking for someone’s else opinion would only complicate things further. That was why she had decided not to share that fact with anyone and to dismiss the matter as a passing thing.

Which she had succeeded. Until yesterday. Whenever Adam had called when she had been in New York, she had taken the call far from the ears of Zoey; in the bathroom or toilet. When Adam had called her in the plane it had been difficult for her to move away as her friend had already seen the caller’s identity. And had heard everything by the look of it. She sighed. It was going to be a long discussion, she could feel it.

“There’s nothing between me and Adam,” she replied blandly deliberately being dupe because she knew Zoey would get easily bored.

As assumed, the latter blew a deep breath to express her impatience before watching her with hooded eyes. “Don’t be so dumb girl. I mean I knew what happened two years ago but you have never mentioned that Adam was still calling you.”

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