Life Model Part 2

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The week rolled on, and Tuesday arrived in much the same manner as it always did, yet with one exception. Paul was a little more alert that day, having finally decided to go to bed earlier. His attention span had improved a little and so had the comments heaped upon his head from lecturers all across the board. Most seemed glad that finally, he was starting to apply himself a little more diligently to his studies. Still, he felt some certain sense of boredom, however, as he slumped once more at his usual easel. Flake, that day, was missing, held up in bed by a sudden bout of food poisoning.

Paul pulled his small sketch book from his backpack and opened it to a fresh page, tongue soon poking out from between his lips as he stroked pencil against paper. Soon, a grinning dragon began to form, large eyes turning what should have been a ferocious winged lizard into something baby-ish and cute. Paul smiled at the result, so different in tone and timbre to all that he was required to do in class.

He did not take much notice when Mr Rompe entered a few moments later, still too invested in sketching out a small heap of gold and jewels beside his dragon. He only looked up at the teacher's unexpected announcement, sudden interest jerking his head up.

"Today we have a new model, quite different to those you are used to. I think it high time for you to study the male form. I'm sure you all have got the hang of drawing the female form, now," Mr Rompe said, smiling suddenly when more than a few of the rowdiest members cat-called and issued a few choice lewd statements about having studied the female form extensively out of class, as well.

"We had to do our homework," Till, one of the other students, joined in when Mr Rompe seemed about to protest. "We need practice."

"Okay, Lindemann, we get your point," the teacher sighed. "Be patient, and be polite to our model today. It's his first time doing anything like this, so go easy on him. Make him feel welcome. Richard, come in if you please. They won't bite."

"Much," Till muttered, loudly enough for them all to hear.

Paul still was laughing, when the life model entered, broad-shouldered body surprisingly quiet of tread. His feet were covered with soft and fuzzy slippers and his body was covered in a robe of the same material, yet there was enough play in the material to give Paul some idea of the body that lay beneath. He perked up with interest, finally deciding that he could enjoy this class, after all. He watched as the model - Richard - disrobed, and the promise of the body beneath the robe was fully delivered; the man was muscled in the right places, heavy-set yet attractively so, gaze surprisingly soft despite the defiant jut of his chin. Paul had the sense then that the man was nervous, despite the obvious play for nonchalance. Richard's hands trembled slightly and his fingers twitched convulsively, as though he wanted to hide himself from view now that he was fully exposed. Paul's interested gaze roved over the man's body and decided that he liked what he saw; the model really didn't have much to complain about, in Paul's opinion. He cleared his throat and shifted in his seat. Paul tried to hide the sudden stirring of his cock into interested life from view.

The model's eyes skittered over to his, attracted by the cough and the fidgeting, and for one moment, Paul felt as though the breath had been all but knocked from his body. Richard's eyes were that indeterminate shade of blue that looked as though it could shift to light green in the right light, forthright and kind and ever so slightly scared. Then that gaze skittered away again, face partially turned away on an almost embarrassed, definitely coy smile. Richard's profile was presented to Paul to reveal a strong jawline and slightly upturned nose. Paul was definitely interested now, and his full attention was captured by the model. He almost forgot that there was even anyone else in the room. Richard's gaze flicked up to his again, and there was a remaining hint of a smile on the man's lips, as though he knew of Paul's interest and was amused by it. Instead of being insulted, Paul was amused in turn and he grinned slightly back, yet that grin came too late. The model - Richard - was already being directed away, to sit upon a stool, a blanket draped over his lower half to protect his modesty and to add extra texture with the folds of the material arranged artfully over his lap. That blanket did nothing to disguise that well-defined chest and equally well-formed arms, however, nor hide the face from view, and Paul still was very much interested.

The man on the stool remained still, eyes partially closed, and his lips slightly parted. His chest rose and fell slowly, each breath easy and rhythmic. Occasionally his tongue peeked out to moisten his lips, yet that was the only thing that moved, other than his chest and the slow blinks of his eyelids. Paul applied himself diligently to his task of drawing Richard. His pencil flew across the blank page, desperately trying to render the model's beauty in swift lines and flowing strokes of graphite against paper. Even when the piece was mostly finished, and he could say that he was, by large, pleased with it, he knew that he hadn't quite done the model justice. He doubted anyone really could. Paul felt the warm line of Mr Rompe behind him, body close as he leant in to stare at Paul's work.

"I think you've outdone yourself this time, Landers," the teacher said, in amusement. "I wondered what it would take to pique your interest. Seems like finally we have it."

Paul flushed, as sniggers came from those closest to him who'd heard the teacher's comment. Paul averted his gaze from all around him, as he stared down at his own graphite smeared hands.

"Carry on like this and you could pass with flying colours," Mr Rompe observed, impressed. "Just apply yourself. Even if it does take a male model to get you to do it."

Paul nodded, a sudden grin spreading across his face as finally, the humour of the situation began to set in for him. His shoulders began to shake, as his laughter threatened to break free. All he could think about was Flake, and how he would tell the other man of all that had happened that day.

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