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It was a pretty cloudy day for the forest, and I was out hunting, before the rain could set in. I don't usually stay in the forest when it's raining, it's not a lie that it's very dangerous. I was standing in a tree, and I had my bow drawn, with an arrow notched to it. After about twenty minuets of waiting, I saw a perfectly sized rabbit wander into my sight, following his nose. It snuffled amidst the long grass, unaware of my presence. It sat up on it's hind legs, twitching its little nose, and giving me the perfect target. I raised my bow, aimed and fired. My black arrow flew straight and silently, true to it's mark. It hit the rabbit right in the side, and it died instantly. I jumped out of the tree, slinging my bow over my shoulder and onto my back as I went. I walked across the clearing and my black boots got dew drops on them that were still there from that morning. It would have been a beautiful day if it wasn't for the rain. I picked up my dinner, collected the arrow I shot, and headed out of the clearing.

I was roasting my small, brown rabbit over a fire when I felt a presence approaching behind me. A presence of one I had not seen for many, many moons. I stood up and turned around, greeting him as I went. "Gandalf! I haven't seen you for over six months!" "My dear Mariel, it is a pleasure to see you again." He spoke just like an old man would have, his deep voice not matching his kind features. His gray cloak was outlined by the black trees, and it had gotten very dark. The rain was coming. "But what's the matter? Why are you here?" I asked, hoping I didn't sound as if I didn't want to see him. I clearly hadn't when he replied with a chuckle. "I need you for something.....important." He said getting that look that he did when he was hiding something. "What is this something important?" I prodded. "You are needed. Along with thirteen dwarves and a specific hobbit." "And me of course." He added as an after thought. I frowned slightly. "Thirteen dw............why dwarves Gandalf?" I was very confused at the moment and his response just added to it. "It is their home." "Home? Gandalf, what are you talking about?" I was now very confused, and I wanted some answers. "I am talking about Smaug the dragon under the mountain, I'm talking about the thirteen survivors who want to reclaim their homeland. I'm talking about Erebor." My mouth partially opened. "Erebor." I whispered. My father told me about Erebor. He grew up there. In the lonely mountain. Until it was attacked by a dragon, and all the people were forced out of their homes. "You want me to.............go......with....them.....?" "Yes" Gandalf spoke with confidence. Me, not so much. "Why?" "You are part dwarf, are you not?" "Yes, my father was half dwarven." "See, there. You must go!" "Because I'm a dwarf?" He didn't answer me right away, but when he did, I didn't expect what he said. "To make him proud."

Make him proud. Those words ran through my head as Gandalf and I walked to the borders of the forest. I clutched the reins of Daygune in my right hand, as my left rested on the hilt of my sword. I had called her a couple minuets ago, and luckily she wasn't too far away. Make him proud. His courage runs through my veins, and so does my mothers' beauty. Make him proud. "Gandalf, do the others know I'm coming?" He looked down at me. "I have mentioned your coming to the leader of our company, Thorin Oakenshield. He did not seem to disagree with me, but unless he has told the others, than no. I can not say they do." That might be a small problem in the near future, but at least I now knew. I was worried they would judge me because I'm a girl, and girls aren't supposed to be able to fight well, or fend for themselves. I happened to go against both of those. I could fight very well, and I have a deadly aim with a bow. We finally got to the end of the forest, and we stood overlooking the plains and one lonely stream. "It will be dark soon." Gandalf told me. "It would be wise of you to start making your way to the Shire now." "Alright." I swung myself onto Daygune, and before I left I asked Gandalf one last question. "How will I know which door is the right one?" "It has a blue mark on it. You shall see." "Thanks." Daygune started walking down the hill when I turned and asked Gandalf another thing. "Gandalf?" He turned toward me from the other side of the hill. "Yes?" "Are you sure this is a good idea?" He took a deep breath before answering me. "My dear Mariel. I'm positive." He gave me a warm smile, and I gave him one back. "Now go! With haste, don't be late!" He scolded me, and I set off at a trot towards the Shire.


Second update! Sorry it's kinda short :/ but I hope you like it. I will make the next one longer, I promise. But until than, read and comment. I loving typing this story so I'll be updating more. See ya soon. Oh and follow me too. I just might follow you back. ❤❤

My name is Mariel. A Kili/OC Fanfictionحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن