A normal day

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A normal day was all I wanted...just a normal day... Is that too much to ask. Hey I'm Mandy...I'm gay and I'm a werewolf but... I wasn't always this way...It was Halloween it started out fine I dressed up as a werewolf and scared some freshman. After I went to a Halloween party at my crushes house Alexander Tomoya. He is my best friend since I was 3. Yes I have a crush on my best friend got a problem with that?.. As the years went by I developed feelings for him some that I never knew I had in me. You see I'm a bad boy some bad boys have no emotions and they like girl and they're straight which I'm far from. I'm probably the gayest bad boy you've ever seen...anyway I digress. After the party me and Alex went for a walk in the woods he was slightly drunk and was messing around he was throwing things in different directions he picked up this rock and threw it a random direction and it hit something...

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