Homoerotic Escapades

Start from the beginning

Amaimon, being the pesky King of Earth he is, had been following the younger demon the entire time. The elder male decides to lean against a tree, near Rin. Eventually, he falls asleep as well.

The otouto wakes before Amaimon, he feels a shiver up his spine. It's freezing now, and there's no way he can go back to the dorm, because he'd be questioned by Yukio. Finally, he notices Amaimon and his heart twitches.

"Wasn't expecting you to be there." Rin groggily voices.

Rin feels a chill dance up his spine a second time, however this one was slightly different. The bluenette, being not at all awake, curls up in the older man's lap and falls asleep a second time. Amaimon wakes first in the morning, but upon noticing the littler demon, he doesn't move. Instead, he patiently waits for him to wake up, still pretending to be asleep. Not long after, the other opens his eyes and yawns tiredly. His pants feel uncomfortable...

Quickly, the King traps the otouto in his arms tightly with a smug smirk playing across his lips, "You can't escape."

"Let me go!" Rin growls weakly.

He's too busy focused on the tent in his pants instead of the cage-like arms of his new lover.

The King's embrace doesn't falter as he kisses the bluenette's cheek gingerly, "But your body wants me to hold it.~"

Rin flushes and tries to scramble away, however, he only manages to stir up his own arousal.

The smaller demon growls in frustration, and in that frustration, he crushes his lips to the elder demon's. Of course, the elder accepts this kiss hungrily and without restraint. After moment, the King peels himself from the other.

"We'll see how long you'll last," the green haired male says as he cups Rin's chin in his hand.

Suddenly, he leaps away, leaving the otouto needy and frustrated.

"You'll be late to class if you don't start walking now," announces the King with a grin.

The younger male scowls at Amaimon pointedly, and remains unmoving for a moment. Unexpected by the elder, Rin pounces onto him and pins him to the forest floor.

"You have two choices, broccoli boy," Rin grits, "You give up this dumb ass game and cooperate with me," The younger male pauses to aggressively bite into the elder male, on the throat, for a second time, "Or we can play with blue flames instead."

At that time, blue flames erupt from Rin, and trace his figure. Amaimon is, to be blunt, shitty. He clenches his jaw and forcibly bites the bluenette's neck, in response to being bitten, as he also roughly gropes Rin's ass.

"If you miss school because of this, it will be even more difficult to sway Yukio into not murdering me," The green-hair male states monotone before scooping the other up, and dashing atop the trees to the school.

Upon arrival, the elder drops the younger in sight of Yukio, as he is walking to the school's doors. The mole-marked twin is unaware of the Demon King, and simply wonders why the hell his brother is late to class.

"Rin! What are you doing? Get up and get inside! I've been looking for you," Yukio scolds the elder demon twin.

Rin growls with a look of despair playing across his face. He silently trudges inside, with his forgotten bite marks bleeding excessively. The sons of Satan take their respective seats in the class, with the Paladin at the head of the class, and the troublemaking elder brother in the students' desk.

Bon notices the flow of scarlet from Rin's neck, "Hey, were you out fighting alone again, shithead? I'll kick your ass!"

Rin flushes and his mind blanks. He can simply tell Bon that he's been on a homoerotic escapade with the Demon King of Earth (that also has tried to kill him)!

"Shit," Rin thinks to himself.

Thankfully, the younger son of Satan interrupts, "Settle down, Bon. Let's focus on more important things."

The otouto grins smugly. He's off the hook! Now all he has to worry about is escaping at the end of class.

But what are the odds of that going smoothly? C'mon, it's Rin, nothing goes smoothly for that bastard.

As everyone was packing up and leaving, Shiemi asked, "Rin are you being chased by demons again? If you need help, please ask us! We're you're friends."

Rin internally screams before scratching the back of his neck, like he usually does when he's faced with uncomfortable questions. However, he reopens his bite wounds by mistake.

"Damn Amaimon..." The bluenette mumbles under his breath while glaring at the ground briefly.

"Did you just say Amaimon?" Bon inquires with brows pulled together.

Just then Mephisto waltzes into the room.

The older demon clown side-eyes the edler Okumura sibling knowingly.

Of course he opens his big mouth, "Of course he said Amaimon."

Konekomaru pipes up, "What do you mean?"

"This couldn't have happened in a worse way..." The elder twin slaps a hand across his face and slumps his shoulders.

"Well my annoying little brother has tried to kill Rin on several occasions, no?" Mephisto retorts, casting a smug smirk Rin's way.

Yukio and Mephisto begin speaking of plans for next class with the students, so Rin, being the perfect little scholar he is, snatches up his Kurikara ditches out while he still can.

However, just when the blue-haired spawn of Satan thought he was home free...

"How was class?" The Demon King of Earth asks.

"Oh, it was dandy. It was great. No one questioned the gaping holes on my neck, that so happened to be soaked with blood. I'm really grateful you forced me to attend class today! I owe it all to you, Amaimon!" Okumura replies with sarcasm leaking from his words.

The smaller demon's eyes lock on the other's, "Anyway, I told you before," He steps closer to Amaimon, "If you didn't cut the shit, I'd light you up."

It was apparent in the elder's eyes that he was intrigued, and ready to play.

"Let's play, otouto.~" coos the King. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2016 ⏰

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