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At Walmart

"Ok lets go in. I might get us some stuff for dinner." said Jack. "Sounds good. I'll get some desert for later." said Mark. "CAKE" "I knew you were going to say that." said Bob. "Same" said Mark and Wade. "I like cakes" "Ok we will get a cake" said Mark. "Hey Jack race you." " Alright 3, 2, 1," said Jack. They were off. Jack was just barely in the lead but slowed down so it was tie. "Good job" said Mark cheerfully. " Thanks same to you to" said Jack a little nervously. When Bob and Wade caught up they walked inside. "How about we split up and meet up back here." said Wade. "Alright me and Wade will stay together. Then Jack and Mark will stay together" said Bob. "Ok we will go get are swim suits first" said Mark. When Jack and Mark got to the swim suit shelf they were looking at the diffrent patterns. "Hey Mark do you think I could pull these off" said Jack holding up a pair of child trunks with cars on it. " No they look a little to small for you. Even if you try they look a little tight that we would need a fire truck to get those off your legs." said Mark with a chuckle. Jack laughed. "Hey how about these" Mark held up a pair of trunks with pineapples on it. "I think they would drive me cocunuts" said Jack with a smile. "haha" said Mark. "I'll get them." "I'll get these". Jack held up a pair trunks with dogs on it. "Nice, lets go to the changing room". When they got to the changing room they headed up to the desk got the stuff and tried on the trunks. When Jack and Mark came out they both laughed at each others trunks. "We have to get these" said Jack laughing so hard he was about to cry. After they got their trunks off they headed over to the bakery. "Oh my god there are so much cakes and cookies." said Jack. "You can pick what ever you want" said Mark starting to blush. "I'll pay don't worry about it" said Jack. "No I'll pay. I want to say sorry for kissing you. I wasn't thinking when I kissed you." said Mark looking down. "Don't be s-sorry I-I just didn't know you would do that. Mark I want to tell you something." Mark was looking nervose. "I'm screwed. He doesn't like me like that. My life is ruined." Thought Mark. "I-I I like you Mark. If you don't like me like that I understand. I just want to be with you." said Jack about to cry. "Hey Jack don't cry. I-I feel t-the same way. I was scared that you would not feel the same way." said Mark wiping Jack's tears. Jack hugged Mark putting his arm around Marks head. "Alright lets get some cake. Bob and Wade will get worried if we don't get there soon." "Alright, thanks Mark."

10 minutes later

"I can't wait to eat this chocelete cake." said Jack. "Same" said Mark. "Lets start heading back" When they got back to the doors Bob and Wade were already there. "Alright, what did you guys get for dinner?" said Jack. "We got some chicken, mash potatoes, green beans, and cola." said Bob. "We got chocelete cake." said Jack with a big smile. "How about your guys swimsuits?" said Wade. " Its a surprise." said Mark. "Ok lets get home." said Wade.

At the hotel

"I call changing first" said Jack running to the bathroom. "God danm it" said Wade. "Bob I'm going to change first alright." said Mark. "Ok.". After Jack came out he showed Wade. "Oh my god. What the hell did you do." said Wade laughing so hard he fell on the floor. " You should see what Mark got." " Oh no. What the hell." said Wade finally calmed down. After Wade got done getting dressed he showed Jack. They were all blue with white laces. "I didn't see those trunks." said Jack a little confused. "This were the last ones." said Wade proudly. "Lets go see if Bob and Mark are done." said Jack. "Ok, I wonder what Marks trunks." said Wade thinking. They went over to Bob and Mark's and knocked on the door.

Jack's pov

Bob opens the door and they both have their trunks on. "Oh hey guys. Were both ready to go to the pool." said Bob smiling. He was wearing a pair of black trunks with brown laces. "Ok lets go" said Wade looking for Mark. When he sees him he burst out in laughter. " Don't worry I did that a few minutes ago." said Bob giggling. At this point Wade was on the ground again. After 2 minutes he was calmed down. "Alright enough of that." said Wade wiping a tear from his eye as he got up. "Lets get to the pool."

At the pool

"Finally were here." I said stretching out my arms. "3, 2, 1, gooooo" I scream as I cannonball into the pool making a big splash. We were the only ones there. "WHAAhoooo" I here then SPLASH. I turn to see who it was. It was Mark with a goofy smile on his face. "NICE. That was a good splash." I said encouraging him. "Hey you guys gonna kiss or what." yelled Wade sitting in the shade. I start blushing dark red. Mark seemed to notice cause he gave me a suspicious grin. "U-um no-" before I could finish I was pulled away by some other men. "Hello there~" said a man with black hair and green eyes (random guy ok. He a pretty boy). He was pushing againt a corner at the other side of the pool. Mark had an angry look on his face as he was swimming toword us. "Wanna have a good time" He said suductivly. He started to bite on my ear. I bit my lip. I was so scared. I tried to swim away but he kept cornering me. A tear leaks out of my eyes but all of a sudden I feel arms pull me out of the water. It was Mark coming to the rescue. "Listen perv, put your hands on my boyfriend again and I'll chop them off." yelled Mark putting his arms around me. I start to blush and wipe my tears. "Ok party killer" said the seductive stranger and got out of the water trying to look intimedating. He was pretty buff but not as buff as my Markimoo. Mark let go of one hand leaving the other one on my shoulder. "Go over to get Bob and Wade." Mark whispers in my ear before letting go of me. I ran as fast as I could to Bob and Wade. They notice and ran over to me meeting them half way. "Mark needs your help guys." I said slightly panting. They watched the whole thing. So we ran as fast as we could. When we got there Mark had a bruised eye and the guy had 2 bruised cheeks. When he saw Bob he almost fell in the pool but Mark grabbed his neck before he fell in. "Do this again to my boyfriend and I will find you." Mark said in a pretty intimitating voice then threw him in the pool. After that we left the pool and went to are rooms. I went to Mark's room after I got dressed and knocked on the door. Bob opened the door and I was let in. I saw Mark laying on the bed not even with a ice pack on his bruised eye. " Mark why don't ypu have an ice pack on that bruise." I said crossing my arms. "I dosen't even hur-" I cut Mark off by caring him to my room bridal style and placing him on my bed. Then I look in the freezer and pull out an ice pack. I rushed over to Mark holding the ice pack on his eye. "I didn't know you were that concerned" said Mark blushing bright pink. "Imma just leeeeave" said Wade walking backwards out the door closing it behind him. "Well I didn't know you cosidered me as your as your boyfriend." I said blushing a little.

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