Come I Wanna Melt with You!

Start from the beginning

"He told you all this?" I asked bewildered.

"In not so many words. "The dude" as we call him since the name change, did mention that before you both got married,  you were his soulmate from a previous Egyptian era. You are his Cleopatra. And you play a mean guitar, frankly, the funkiest female in the world." Remi's words made me smile; I bit my lip. At least it was a little comforting.

"Now smile, you should go check on your son, you are a good wife. I have to go work on the new songs he has waiting for me in Studio A" He wipes a tear away from my eyes. With a renewed confidence, I head back towards my room.

I stare at Alicia's room door; the shoes outside the door were no longer there, gone. The room was silent.

I slowly pushed her door open and walked in; Alicia stood in from the mirror nursing a glass of red wine; wearing nothing but pearls around her neck. She turns to notice my entrance, smirks, sucks in her teeth and turns back to face the mirror. She takes a sip of her wine.

It took a lot from me not to pull her hair out, and toss her out of my home.

I glanced at the bed it is a mess, and by the bed is a bracelet with Native American symbols.

"Alicia what did  you do?"

She ignores me. Enraged but trying to keep it together. I yell: "Answer me dammit."

She turns to me and boldly responds: "Something to help you out."

"Don't be coy with me, Alicia, who were you with?"

"Someone that is yours, or shall I say two of yours, maybe!"

"What? How dare you?" I scream at her. "How dare you come here, I thought you have changed."

"Changed?" She laughed coldly. It reminded me of my past; Alicia took my first love from me. She slept with him and threw it in my face. "Now you can have my sloppy seconds," Alicia said back then.

Now she was back to take mine. Oh no, I will not give her that satisfaction. Not now not ever!

"Oh don't get smart with me, I want you to get out. Leave my home, get out of my home."

"I wouldn't leave unless he tells me to leave. You know you can't handle them alone so why not have me helping out? Hmm, now dear cousin why don't you be a good wife, run along because I have a feeling, I am not going anywhere. Hmm, you know" she said sitting on the bed. 

"My little red love machine is a little sore, so if you do not mind, I need to get some rest for the next time!"

I was seething!

I didn't know if she meant her words or if she was playing mind games with me. What if she is lying? What if she is telling the truth. I mustered my will power, and rushed out of her room, slamming the door behind me. I heard her laughing as the door slammed shut. I rushed into my bedroom, turned on the shower, the water flowing over my body helped me relax as I burst into tears, feeling unbelievably miserable at the chaos I  just invited into my home.

I pull out a dress from my closet, placed my hair into a ponytail and put on my red pumps.

I was determined to find my husband, Prince, I had to let him know my cousin will be leaving permanently. I had no idea where he was, could he even be the complex. I decided, I would take Nate to my mother's once I have a word with him. He is probably in Studio B. I reasoned. So I hurried towards studio B. The door is slightly ajar. I notice a girl seated on a chair modeling a Leather Jacket. Her bare breasts were hanging out, while Prince is filming her from the couch.

What is going on here? I push the door open; Prince looked up and smiled:

"What is this?'

"Athena baby, Art, trying to work out how things will look on the screen come sit next to me."

As though in a trance I  move towards him, trying not to look at his "work of Art."

"Can we talk, I whispered trying to stay calm, feeling uncomfortable with the woman in the room.

"Hmm later, right now, I am working baby. What do you think? She is beautiful right?"

I nod. I want this woman out of the studio, but then Remi's words rang through my ears. The submissive wins all the time." I said to myself.

Noticing my demeanor, he dismisses his model. She leaves the room.

He starts speaking:"I have a request Athena, you will not speak with anyone of my staff from now on

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He starts speaking:"I have a request Athena, you will not speak with anyone of my staff from now on. Just Mel and Stacy. None of the men." He hands me a paper. It is a confidentiality agreement.

"Whats this?"

"Read it,"

I read through the document with its many rules. I am perplexed.

"You will wait for me when I request for you." he said looking straight ahead as I read the document.

" When I call you up, I will tell you what to wear. Don't be surprised if I tell you to go bare!"

I wanted to ask, did you sleep with her? Did you? But then I would lose it all. He hands me a pen, and I sign the document.

"Good baby, now. We are going to over to meet with Voss James, my friend who works for my charities. I have a great new one. Plus I want you to see my new business idea, now that I do not have a recording company behind me. You should go get dressed." He said brushing his lips on mine, parting my lips and kissing me.

"If you are a good girl, baby. I will do my duty there." He said running his fingers sensually over my thighs towards my core. My body set to betray me. I tried smiling, but it was hard. I came here to talk to him to tell him my mind, now under his spell. "I am your driver baby, you are my screw," He said whispering into my ears.

Next thing I know, I found myself going back up to my room, getting dressed to meet someone called Voss James.

No! Not this time. I call Mel into the room, "Get ready; I said we are leaving. I am going home to see my mom. After all, I still had the black card. Damn, I never did cash that check. I pulled out my phone my heart began to beat fast. I navigated to the airline ticketing website.

Four first class tickets to Los Angeles. I clicked purchase what happened next shocked me, no it cannot be! No why?

"Going somewhere?"

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