Chapter 2: Awkward

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Your P.O.V:

I looked at Coach Bombay then back at Charlie, only to receive a shrug from him. Great. He doesn't know why I'm being held back either. Sighing, I skated over to coach, loosening my helmet in the process. "Um... What's the problem? Did I do something wrong?" I questioned, hoping to god that the answer was no. All Coach Bombay did was smile at me. That's a good sign, right?

"No, no. It's nothing like that. I was just wondering... How accurate are your shots?" He asked, squinting slightly as he held his fist up to his chin in anticipation. I shrugged. "I dunno. I don't want to seem cocky, but probably 10/10. I've counted before. It always seems to be perfect, I guess." Bombay looked at me and nodded. "Alright. That's all I wanted to know. At least for now. You can go get undressed now. Get some rest, (Y/L/N). Great job today. Maybe there's some room on your jersey for a letter."

I raised an eyebrow at him for a split second, but decided not to question him any further. A letter on my jersey would be pretty cool... But, there had to be a better reason for Coach to hold me back. Alas, I didn't care. I just wanted to shower. Or nap. Or both.

As I made my way off the ice, I heard Bombay's voice carry throughout the empty arena. "We'll keep your past buried for now."

I looked back at him, my lips slightly parted. I wanted to thank him, I wanted to at least let him know that I appreciate that gesture. But instead, I stared dead into his eyes and nodded, without saying a word.


When I got into the change room, the majority of the players had already left, excluding Charlie and that Adam kid I destroyed- I mean, met earlier. They watched me as I tossed my stick into the stick rack and plopped myself next to Charlie. Silently, I began to take off the upper half of my equipment, the sounds of ripped Velcro and sniffles filling the room.

Charlie kept his eyes on me. "So... (Y/N). This is my friend-" "Adam Banks. Hey. Sorry for bodychecking you. I hope you're alright." I said bluntly, not taking my eyes off of the equipment on my body. As I loosened the laces on my skates, Charlie continued. "Anyways... He's coming over for dinner at our place. Care to join us?"

I then began wiping excess ice and water from the blades of my skates. "I mean, I don't really have a choice." I joked as I stuffed my shoulder pads into my hockey bag. Charlie looked away from me for a second, probably to exchange glances with Adam. "You okay? You seem a bit... Er... Tense."

Setting down my skates, I began to take off my lower half. This time, I actually decided to look at the two. I took another look at the Banks kid. He was kind of cute, not gonna lie. I looked back at Charlie. "Charlie, I'm fine. I'm just tired. Mind if I nap when we get home?" Charlie nodded. "Yeah, that's fine. What did coach make you do anyways?"

I shrugged, stuffing the rest of my gear into my bag. "Nothing much. He just made me take a couple more shots to prove that the first one I took wasn't pure luck." Charlie and Adam looked at one another. "That's it?" They asked in unison. I nodded, slinging my bag over my shoulder. "Yeah. That's it."


Adam's P.O.V:

(Y/N) was really... Interesting. Charlie told me that she was lively and fun most of the time, but she seemed a little off. After the (H/C) haired girl left the room, I turned to Charlie with pleading eyes. He chuckled at my gesture. "Don't worry, Adam. She'll warm up to you, I just know it."


Your P.O.V:

I sat in Charlie's room, bored out of my mind. Mrs. Conway was still at work, so I was left in his room to nap while Charlie made dinner. I could have slept in mine, but I didn't wanna mess my sheets up. Plus, his blankets are warmer.

A knock then sounded from the room door, and a head poked through. I looked up at the person and smiled. "Hey, Adam."

Adam returned a smile to me. "Uh, hey. Charlie said you were just chilling in here for a bit. Mind if I join you?" He asked innocently, letting himself in. I shrugged, smiling. "Sure. I don't really care." Adam sat on the foot of Charlie's bed as I curled my legs up a bit more to give him space. "So..." Adam started, staring at the various things in Charlie's room to avoid eye contact with me. I leaned to my side to look away from my phone as I gave Adam a look. "What's up?"

Adam shrugged, glancing up at me. "Nothin. Just like you." I shrugged in response. "This is quite the conversation..." I grumbled, turning my attention back to my phone screen.

I'm not sure if it was just me, but I think I heard Adam sigh.


Adam's P.O.V:

"Nothin. Just like you" ... Really, Adam?! That's all you could think of?!

I sighed (a little too loudly) as I turned away from (Y/N). I knew that I just met her but she's just... So amazing. She's beautiful, and from what Charlie tells me, she's smart and witty and from what I saw today, she's also a breathtakingly amazing hockey player. Charlie said I needed someone like her to keep me grounded. I guess he's right.

"I'm sorry for being so grouchy. I'm not usually like this, but I miss my home." I turned to (Y/N), who didn't look up from her phone as she said that. I nodded. "Oh. No worries, it must be hard to be away from home while we train." She finally looked over to me, her (E/C) eyes reflecting the lit up screen in front of her. "Yeah. It's pretty tough. Where are you from anyways?" The girl shifted in her bed, but smiled at me. "Does it really matter, Cake-Eater?" She teased, earning a gasp from me.

"Where did you hear that name from?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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