"Stereotypes," Eden mumbled, with Peter humming in agreement.

"What did it feel like?"

The two outcasts looked at Roman, both raising an eyebrow. Eden spoke first, crossing her arms over her chest. "What did what feel like?"

"Killing that girl," Roman said, nodding his head towards the play-house.

"Are you insane-"

"I didn't kill her, I figured it was you," Peter answered, cutting off Eden's reply to Roman's absurd statement.

Eden watched Roman's jaw tick, his eyes getting harder in intensity.

"Me? Why would I do it?" Roman asked, his fists clenched by his sides. Making his Rolex watch glimmer in the light that was shining down onto the clearing.

Peter shrugged, "Why would I?"

"People are saying you're a werewolf," Roman stated, plump lips forming over the last word with a bit if distaste.

"People also say I'm a witch. It doesn't mean I am one," Eden inputted, drawing the attention of the boys back on her. "They're just rumors, Roman. Though I suspect you should know everything about that since your type is typically the ones that start them. I mean really, do you believe every rumor you hear?"

Roman seemed a bit taken back by Eden's harsh words, but stepped forwards anyways, towards the two best friends in front of him. "Then why are the three of us here?"

"Well listening to all those people, are you sure it wasn't a coincidence?" Peter asked, sarcasm laced with annoyance clouding his tone.

Squinting his eyes, Roman still looked unconvinced. "Are you sure it wasn't you?"

"You can try to contain your disappointment," Was Peter's hard-toned reply.

"You then?" Roman asked, turning to look at Eden.

"Me?" Eden asked, raising an eyebrow. She let out a tiny laugh at his expectant expression, rolling her eyes. "Did I kill Brooke? God Godrey, you're dumber than you look."

Seeming to take Eden's reply as it was, Roman answered, "Than who was it?"

"How are you so sure it's a 'who'?" Eden asked, glaring at the posh boy. "It could've been a number of things. Bear, cougar-"

"A creative suicide," Peter inputted, which earned him a glare from both Roman and Eden.

Silence fell on the three teenagers then, all of them staring at the play-house.

"It's weird," Roman said, the hostility draining from his tone. "I knew her. I mean - I didn't know her, know her, but I did see her. Parties and stuff. She liked my car."

Peter and Eden shared a brief look with each other before Peter shrugged, "It's a nice car."

Opening his mouth, Roman stated, "I also knew your Uncle Vince. Did some kind of work for my mom. She denies it but she's so full of shit. I liked his stories. The girls would get pretty freaked out, but they're girls you know,"

Eden cleared her throat, and Roman shot her a brief look. "Well, normal girls,"

Despite her annoyance, Eden couldn't fight with the fact she wasn't particularly normal. Peter laughed slightly at her acceptance of Roman's words when she nodded in agreement.

"Yeah, that sounds like Vince." Peter said, staring up at the sky.

Eden followed his gaze, only now noticing that paper lanterns were floating in the sky above the three of them. Looking like large jellyfish in color and in the way they moved.

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