Esacaping & Settling In

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-Fall's POV-

I threw everything out. "Yeah, whatever," I replied. I was petrified. I followed Dahvie back downstairs, my iphone in my bck pocket. Dahvie ushered me behind him and he looked to Dad. "I'm going to have t take your daughter away from you sir," he said in a formla accent. he leaned over to Jayy and wispered something i couldn't hear. "Come on," Jayy said and took my hand. "FUCK NO!" Dad yelled. JAyy moved faster and i followed suit. "YOU'RE RAPING YOUR DAUGHTER YOU WON'T BE SEEING HER ANYMORE DILLHOLE!" I heard Dahvie yell. "Dahvie! Stop!" I yelled but Jayy pushed me out the door. "FALLEN GET BACK HE-" I ran to where my windo was and grabbed my bag. I stuffed it in the back of thier smallish limo. I sat down and looked to the door. Kim came running out and hopped in the car. "Holy fuck your dad is beating the shit out of Dahvie! Jayy get your ass in there!" Jayy jumped out of the car and ran in. I didn't want to know what was going on.

-Dahvie's POV-

The dad kicked me in the stomach repetedly and I jlted everytime. I didn't feel bad that i couldn't beat him up, I was keeping him from hurting Fall which was all I cared about. Jayy suddenly busted in and pinned him to the ground. "Dahvie get your ass in the limo and console the girls! I'll take care of this..." i nodded and went out. I junmped in the front seat and saw the two girls in the back. i started the car and waited. "Dahvie.....Your eye...." Fall said in a wisper. I pulled out my phone and used it as a mirror. SHIT! I had a really bad black eye. Whatever, it was worth protecting Fall....  "Dahvie? Dahvie?!?" Jayy was suddenly beside me, panting. "You zoned! Move the fucking car!" Shit! I floored it and went to our tour bus which was parked outside Blood Manor. I let the girls out of the car. "Fall, you're staying with us until we go on tour in two days. Kim, you can spend the night. Fall, you can crash with me...?" I asked. Fall blushed. "Um, yeah, sure." I grinned. "Well, let's get settled!" 

-Fall's POV-

The place was like this: living room to the right, kitchen to the left, bathrooms and bedrooms upstairs. I walked upstairs to Dahvie's room. There was a giant bed to the side with a bathroom on the other. a clostet was on the back wall. I set my bag on the bed and turned around to find Dahvie. He blushed. "Oh, hey, Fall," he said awkwardly. I laughed. "Hey Dav, can i borrow your shower?" he smiled. "Yeah look nice because tonight we're going to the club tonight." I smiled. "Okay." I grabbed my bag and went into the bathroom. I took a nice hot shower and got out. I put on ablack lace bra and matching panties. I threw on black ripped skinnies and a see through Falling in Reverse tank. I put on heavy eyeliner and heavy black eyeshadow. I put on some red lipstick and left my rainbow hair down. I put on some combat boots and walked out. I saw Dahvie sitting on the bed  in jeans and a botdf tee. His hair at the time was red and black. He saw me and blushed. "You look, really, good, Fall..." I smiled. "Thanks! Ima go get some cereal okay?" "Yeah, sure," he replied.

I went downstairs to find Jayy sitting on the couch watching adventure time and Kim snuggled up t him, snoring. "Hey Jayy!" I smiled. He looked up and saw me and smiled. "Hey Fall! You look fucking hot by the way." I giggled. "Thanks!" I knew he was playing, he was fucking GAY. I grabbed come coca krispies and milk and made me some cereal. i ate, and then went to sit out on the porch. i thought about how much better my life was without Dad. I had no fears anymore. The door opened as I cheaked my tumblr, which was blowing up. Why...? I looked at BOTDF's page and the first thing said:

Just saved a beutiful girl from her shit dad, give her some love @sws_bvb_fir_ !

I smiled. The door opened and I looked up. Dahvie looked down at me and smiled. "Hey Fall, whatcha doin out here?" he asked. "Im just thinking, about life ya know?" I replied. "Yeah, I know. Look, um, when we go clubbing can you um be my  date..?" he asked. I smiled and blushed crazily. "Yeah sure..." he smiled and kissed my cheek. "Great." He got up and went inside. I smiled. I got back on tumblr and posted:

Going to the club soon with my wonderful date- Dahvie <3

I immeaditly got lots of comments asking, r u dating??? and oooh! hav u guys kissed???? I smiled. Ah, fangirls.


Hey its AshyWashy! :D i hope u liked it, even tho its super short :/ the tumblr account @sws_bvb_fir_ is made up so.... yeah! this was dedicated to my bff and brother, @XxBrokenAndFixed whom i <3. ily bro. :D

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