Chapeer twelve

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I walked into my house and saw John sitting on the sofa with a bottle of whiskey. "Where have you been - I haven't seen you in days." He asked clearly tipsy
"just been catching up with school that's all." "Okay well there's a friend waiting in your room - Nik I think he said his name was."
I quickly sped to my room to see Niklaus sitting on my bed reading a book "what are you doing here?" I asked "seeing an old friend." He said whilst getting up. "How have you been?" He asked smiling at me.
"What since you turned me into a hybrid you mean!?" "Look mate - think of it as a bloody upgrade, you should be grateful!" "Grateful- you ruined my life look what it did to me and my brothers!" I yelled back. "Where's Elena stiles?" Klaus thinks I'm still sired to him so I'm going to use this to my full advantage. "She's staying with Damon and Stefan ." I answered truthfully.

Klaus let a smirk rise on his lips. "And where is that?" "In a house. Um- 17 candy lane." "Don't take me for a fool Stiles!" I chuckled and held my hands up in surrender "fine fine - you got me 43 Alock lane." "Now that wasn't so hard was it?" He sped off and so did I. I wanted to see this little argument carried out.
I walked through the door to hear Klaus, Elijah , Damon and Stefan  yelling whilst Elena watched helplessly Damon stopped and looked at me "what do you think your doing telling him we were here!!" I decided I was going to anger him with his own words "well - wasn't it you who said I was Klaus' little bitch?" Klaus let out a little chuckle. "Your not getting the girl brother." Elijah said coldly- Niklaus didn't appreciate Elijah getting in the way of his plans.
"I hate to burst all of your bubbles but - none of you are getting Elena." I vamp sped up to Elena and broke her neck. Nik let out a roar whist Damon and Stefan fell to their knees. I looked at each and everyone stood in front of me and sent them a wicked smile. "You will pay for this!!" Niklaus roared "how?! You've already taken everyone I care about l!" Stefan  looked up - he had tears streaming down his face "how could you - you knew I loved her." He said his voice full of sorrow and guilt.

"It's nothing you've never done to me brother." I said as I walked over to the door. I opened it to see Scott and Deaton stood on the other side "what are you doing get out of here!" I said walking past them they both turned and followed me until we stopped at my house and Deaton decided to speak up "Stiles - what are you planning?" I turned and smiled you'll find out soon enough." I said as I walked in my house leaving the two alone.

Stiles Salvatore Where stories live. Discover now