Part 1

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Jake walked around the corner. Me and Sky giggled together. He was the cutest boy in the school. Yes, we are only 11, but hey we are technically preteens. Everybody thinks you shouldn't do anything or feel anything with the opposite sex. Me and my friends don't believe it.
(At lunch)
Jake sits with his "girlfriend" at the table beside me. I sit with Sky Flower, my best friend, Amy Smith, April's friend,and April May, Sky's cousin. April's last name is a little ironic but cool at the same time. She says it's because of her REAL dad. Her mom and dad are divorced and she lives with her mom. Her dad lost ALL custody of her. Apparently her dad was drunk and wrote April instead of Sarah on the birth certificate of course that makes absolutely no sense at all. Her mom is remarried to Jason, I don't know that much about him.
Jake's girlfriend is a royal pain in the butt. She acts totally innocent but is really really mean. When you say "sup" to Jake she corners you in the hall and tells you to backoff. He doesn't see it but it happens. Jake is so cute though and every girl wants him to like them. But only Abby could manipulate him to like HER. Abby is just so evil it's unbelievable.
I was playing basketball with Sky when all of the sudden Abby starts balling. She was standing by Jake and he was saying "please please don't cry please I'm so sorry but I like someone else." "Wh Wh who do you li li like?" she said. "Um I can't say she is nearby!" Then the bell rang it was only me Sky and April there at that point so it was one of us.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2016 ⏰

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