Chapter 2 - Saved

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I woke up on a matress, been a while since Ive slept somewhere decent. The suns raise hit me through the crack between the buildings. It just came up, guess I better go.

Struggling to stand, I grab my jacket and leave. "Kevin!" I looked behind me as I just left past the gate. Aleks ran up to me, a few things carried in his arms. He sighed as he stopped in front of me. "I was worried you'd left already, here." He held out the stuff and I took them, looking through everything.

A medicine bottle, pain killers. Bandages and disinfectant. Or a walkie talkie, couldn't really tell the difference.

"In case you need help." Aleks took his off his belt, showing it to me. "Just say so and I'll help, no matter how far. I'll get Eddie to come along to! I already set the station right so just press the button and your good to go.

I smiled slightly, it was nice seeing someone kind for once. "Thanks Aleks, I'll be sure to let you know if anything goes wrong, I promise." He nodded and headed back to the group.

I sighed as I watched him, putting all the stuff into a bag that Eddie gave me yesturday. It was a blue sack like bag, a few rips but nothing to worry about. It worked and held up nicely which was all that mattered. I kept the radio in my hands as I left the area and the group along with it.

I had been walking for a few hours now, I stopped a little while ago to tend to my leg which was now sprayed with disinfectant and wrapped tightly in a bandage. The disinfectant was working, it was becoming easier to stand on it, but this wound was long gone, I would be scared forever.

As I looked through the rubble of a collapsed building, I heard the familiar dreadful growling of the undead. Quickly getting to my feet, I stumble to find a hiding spot. As I finally find one, I trip on my stupid wounded leg, gasping as I hit the floor. The growling got louder as they realised I was there. I looked behind me to see at least 30 heading towards me. Fuck i was a dead man!

I stumbled to my feet, limp running as fast as I could. I was not fucking dying like this. I pushed through the creatures in front of me as I went, trying to avoid getting bit. Pressing the button on the radio I speak into it. "Aleks, Aleks can you hear me?"

"Yeah, whats wrong?"

"Im being chased."

"How many?"

"I don't know, 40 at least. I tripped over my fucking leg trying to hide."

"O-Ok where exactly are you?"

"I don't know....Im near a train station and-" my sentence was cut short as a Zombie I didn't see tackled me from the side. I fell to the floor, my arm pressed against his neck as I tried to push him away, my other hand trying to grab the walkie talkie that flew out of my grasp.

"Fuck me!" I pushed the stupid thing with all the strength I had in me and eventually kicked him off, standing and pulling out my gun, shooting him in the head. I looked inside the weapon, "fuck. Only three more shots." I looked down the street as the other 40 or so zombies continued to chase me. God they were fucking relentless.

I grabbed the device as I continued to run away, well limp. I pressed the button again. "Aleks, still there?"

"Oh thank god, Kevin you ok?"

"Well, more or less. Do you think you can find me?"

"You didn't leave to long ago, and your near a train station." I heard him talking with Eddie before he answered again. "Yeah, me and Eddie are coming to get you, ok? Just hang on a little longer."

"R-right careful." I let my arm fall away from my head as I held the radio tightly and continued to move as fast as I could with a leg and a half.

I was getting tired, and was probably running for ten minutes already, the zombies still chasing me, even though some gave up. I had used the last three bullets I had, and threw the weapon away. It was basically broken anyway.

My leg was worse by now, the bleeding started again and the bandage came undone, obvious by the feeling of it tapping against my leg.

Eventually I just couldn't run anymore and collapsed. I fell to the floor with a thud, staring straight ahead at nothing really. If someone was to walk by I'd look like a lifeless body. The radio under my hand even though I wasn't holding it.

I could heard the faint sound of zombies as I slowly started to fall unconscious mostly from exhaustion and blood loss. The zombie's groaning was over taken but loud banging noises, but being how I was I could tell what it was.

I saw something...someone bend down beside me even though it was just a blurry image. They were saying something, my name I think...I couldn't make it out properly.

Slowly I went unconsious, not sure wether or not I'd ever wake up again.....

I gasped, sitting up fast and breathing heavily. My heart rate was going crazy as I was slowly calming down. I looked at my surroundings. A Van maybe? The windows were boarded up and there were a few weapons scattered on the small table. I was on one of the 6 beds in the vehicle.

Where was I exactly?

I heard the door open and acting almost on instinct I quickly laid back down, closing my eyes and pretending I was still asleep. I felt the bed sink beside me as someone sat down. "Still not awake...Im really worried...was he bit?" Aleks?

"No, we searched his body he didn't have any. He just exhausted, give him another couple of days and he should be ok." And they found me...

"O-Ok..." I heard their footsteps as they left, closing the door behind them. I opened my eyes, staring at the ceiling. They found me...somehow I seem to evade death every time...sorta feels like someones looking out for me.

I couldn't help but chuckle at the thought, I didn't believe in god anyway.

A few hours passed and I had fallen asleep and woken up about five times. No one came in which I didn't really mind.

As I just laid there, the door opened. I expected Eddie or Aleks but no, it was their asshole of a leader. He walked over, looking down at me as i looked up at him.


"Your lucky." I looked at him confused. "Im letting you stay here just because Aleks and Eddie convinced me you wouldn't harm the group in anyway. They better be telling the truth because if I see you even threaten one of us, I wont hesitate to kill you."

I smirked, "someones a little bossy." He grabbed my shirt, yanking me up till my face was equal to his.

"Don't be a fucking smart ass. Im just trying to protect everyone. You don't know what its fucking like anyway. You were alone. We don't need another tragedy."

I glared death at him, "I don't know what its fucking like? You know nothing about me. You don't know what Ive been through, what Ive fucking seen. Everyone has experienced something tragic throughout these years. Don't thing your the only fucking one."

He just let my shirt go. I hit the floor, grunting as I did. My body fucking hurt and he isn't helping. "Just don't cause trouble." With that he left.

He definitely knew how to get someone pissed off easily. I stood hesitantly and crawled back into bed, groaning as I slowly laid my leg down on the matress. I sighed, staring at the ceiling again as sleep started to take over again. This is going to be a difficult few years...

(Shoulda said this a while ago) Thanks to all my followers for the support :D! Reached 50 followers as I posted this and gonna do something for it

Yay new chapter :D! Sorry for the crappy cover photo, made it myself with a photo from da google :P (if u know the photo, u might notice i changed the colours around a bit.) anyway yeah....xP

Hope you liked, love you guys :D

If you have any ideas feel free to let me know :3

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