Mr. Black - You Are Not My Type

Start from the beginning

"You weren't talking to that little blighter, were you?" Sirius grumbled.

James thought a moment, "I was just finalizing some plans I made with Maryrose is all." He wasn't technically lying.

Sirius said, "Good. Regulus is up to no good. I don't trust him."

"I know you don't," James said as Peter slid down into the tunnel behind him, popping into his human form as he came and the door above them sealed up as the Whomping Willow returned to it's Whomping above the ground. "Lumos."

Then, "You aren't getting back with Maryrose are you, Prongs?"

"No, no, nothing like that."

Sirius almost looked disappointed. "Too bad. I liked Maryrose."

"Yeah. Well. She's seeing your brother now," James said.

Sirius scowled.

"She seems really happy," Peter put in.

Remus nodded, "She does."

"Yeah, for now, 'til he goes and gets her killed, being involved with dark magic and evil Lords and all..." Sirius answered.

"Surely Maryrose wouldn't like him if your brother wasn't good to her, yeah?" James prodded.

"Unless he's got her bewitched... or under the imperius... I wouldn't put it past him."

James rolled his eyes - so did Peter and Remus though less obviously than James had done.

It was late in the evening, the boys were sitting about the room upstairs in the Shrieking Shack, snuggled up in sweaters and thick socks and blankets, looking a bit like eskimos. Outside, the wind was howling and screaming as it blew through the trees in the Forbidden Forest. Sirius glanced at the window and shivered, wondering if the cries he heard were just the wind... or something more sinister. He reached for the bottle of firewhiskey he'd packed and wrenched the cap off it, taking a long swig off the neck of it and holding it up, offering it around to the others. Remus took it next, downing a mouthful before handing it to Peter, who didn't drink any but handed it off to James. They'd been on the bottle some time already and getting progressively louder, tears in their eyes as they laughed.

"I gave Minnie one of the P.A.H.W.F.A.H.W.W.N.D.J.P. badges," Sirius announced, his voice slurred.

"NO!" Remus hooted, "You didn't."

Peter snorted he laughed so hard.

"I did! I truly did," Sirius said as James handed him back the bottle of Firewhiskey. Sirius gulped a big mouthful down, then said, "I walked right up to her in the hall - she was scolding some third years for being late to their classes, and I bloody says to her... MINNIE..." Sirius rolled his body up so he was on his knees on the bed, teetering just a bit and Remus's hand went up to his back to keep him from falling over, "MINNIE, YOU'VE GOT RUDDY BRILLIANT HAIR... WOULD YOU EVER CONSIDER DATING A STUDENT?"

James busted a gut, honking with laughter as Remus choked and took the bottle from Sirius, grinning up at him. "NOOOO!" Peter cried, "No you didn't!! You didn't!!! Did you?"

"Of course I did!! And she looked at me... right confused as all get-out, mind, and she says to me, completely stone-faced, altogether serious, and she say --" Sirius cleared his throat, and, in his Professor Min-Min terrible Scottish accent voice, he said, "Mr. Black - you are not my type!"

James fell off the bed he was laughing so hard.

"Merlin -- Merlin!" wheezed Peter and Remus buried his face in the pillow he'd grabbed from the head of the bed, scarcely able to breathe.

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