Teddy bear

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Little Alyssa loved her teddy bear, She got it when she was 2 for her birthday. She did everything with her teddy bear, Bring it to the park, dress up, all those little things. Alyssa always took care of her bear, Even until middle school!
Now she was 12. But through all that time she played with her teddy bear, She wondered, What would it be like if he was alive so we could talk and play? What Alyssa dident know, was that her wish might just come true
Alyssa was doing school work, her teddy bear sitting by the edge of her desk, She bumped it off with her elbow. As she bent down to pick it up, In her other hand was a pair of sissors. The blade was facing out, As she picked up her teddy bear, it had got caught on the open blade and had torn the back.
As that happened, something fell out of her teddy bear, She screamed. What she saw horrified her. An eye, a real eye,it rolled across the floor. She looked back at her teddy bear and took some of the stuffing out. The stuffing inside was red, It was a bloody crimson red. She droped the bear quickly, Alyssa dident want to know what else was in there. Out of no were, She heard blood curdling screams,Screams that were un-human, screams that came from her torn teddy bear. Alyssa quickly coverd her ears. Finally the screams stoped, What she heard next scared her even worse, Blood started gushing out of the open torn teddy bear, oozing quickly, Suddenly the bear had said something, Hi Alyssa, your dream has come true, we can talk now and we can play, are you happy? Come join us, you can join my friends and we can play forever and ever and ever! Hands reached out and pulled Alyssa in, All the while her teddy bear was giggling.


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