I live with a vampire and his vampire servants [Chpt 24]

Start from the beginning

"What's so wrong about coming back?"

"Because it's not normal. Vampires. They aren't suppose to be real. They shouldn't be real. I can't live with that. Even my dad was a vampire. It's like I can't get away from them."

"That's all?"

I looked at him. "What do you mean 'that's all'? If you were human and lived with vampires would you stay with them or go live with humans?" I asked getting angry.

"I was never human. So I wouldn't know. But if I was human; I would go live with vampires. You won't ever go anywhere in life without taking risks. You're going to have choices like that. You're 16 Kiara, take some risks. You only live once."

"That's exactly the point. I only live once! Why would I go kill myself?"

"You wouldn't be killing yourself idiot. No one is going to hurt you!" He said getting angry also.

"You don't know that!" I screamed at him. "You were never human so how the hell would you know!? You have no idea what it's like getting bit by another vampire and think you're going to die. You don't know what kind of pain I have gone through to stay at your freakin' house! It's either some vampire trying to suck my blood or killing me because I know the truth about you. If I'm in the way of everything just kill me now and get it over with!"

Within seconds he was on top of me making me pinned down to the ground. There was no escaping unless Nick or Autumn came outside. Which I highly doubt.

"You don't want me to kill you." He said with a soft voice. "You're scared and I know that. But I never said you had to go back. It's your choice. If you want to stay with Nick and Autumn fine. We won't bother you. You're welcomed to come back to the mansion though. If you live there nothing will happen. Jordan already talked to those people. They aren't going to harm you. No one will."

I laid there staring at him. "I'll think about it okay. I'm not positive yet. I still have a couple of weeks." I said.

"Actually . . . Not really. Right after the wedding they're moving."

"No, Autumn said after the honeymoon." I argued with him.

"That's not what she told me."

"What did she tell you?"

"They're going to drop you off at one of Autumn's sister's house in Georgia while they go on their honeymoon. You didn't actually think they'll leave you alone here did you?"

"Wait, are you telling me that we're actually moving this Saturday."

He nodded.

I pushed him off of me and got up.

"Where you going?" Nile asked standing up.

"Finding out for myself." I said going inside.

I walked inside. "Hey Nick." I yelled as soon as I got in.

"In the kitchen." He said back.

I walked into the kitchen. Nick had a binder in his leaning against the counter. Autumn was getting something out of the fridge.

"What is it?" He asked looking up at me.

"We're moving on Saturday?" I asked.

Autumn and Nick looked at each other.

"You were going to drop me off at Autumn's sister's house in Georgia." I said.

Autumn shut the fridge. "We were going to tell you tonight actually. On Saturday we were going to move there and then drop you off at Monique's house. My sister."

"Why did you tell me before?"

"We didn't want to rush you." Nick said.

"Well thanks. I'm feeling a lot more pressure!" I said walking away and was going to go in the backyard again.

"Kiara." Nick said.

I ignored him and went back outside. Nile wasn't there went I came out. I didn't care and I went back to where I was. My iPod was lying on the ground. I laid back down and put my earphones in and pressed play. Instead of looking up at the sky I laid on my side and curled up in a ball. If I'm safe then I can stay outside without any vampires bothering me . . .

The air got really cold all of a sudden and I woke up. The sun was going down. I fell asleep outside. I sat up and looked around. Nothing really happened while I was out here. Why didn't Nick or Autumn come and get me? Probably didn't want to disturb me.

I sat on the ground thinking what Nile was telling me earlier.

'You won't ever go anywhere in life without taking risks.'

Without taking risks?

I stood up.

My dad wanted me to go there. Everything happens for a reason, right?


I turned around and saw Nick standing at the door.

"It's getting late. Come inside." He said.

I walked up to him. "I made my decision." I said to him.

"Really? What is it?"

The door opened and I was surprised that it wasn't who I thought it would be. I didn't look at him. I kinda made my eyes wander around as I spoke. Looking up at the ceiling or to the side.

"Kiara?" Jordan said.

"Uh, yeah, is it alright if I stay here . . . for good?" I said staring at the ceiling and making my voice kind of shaky.

I felt the bags in my hand leave me and he already had them in his hands. I couldn't help to look at him. Jordan's hair was at least an inch longer but nothing like Nile's hair.

"Come on." He said moving out of the way.

I walked in. Everything was the same. Right in its place. I looked at the door. The butler was there. I think Jordan knew it was me, that's probably why he opened the door himself. I looked back in front of me Nile stood there.

"Finally came back huh?" He said.

"Don't act like you were right." I said.

"Wait," Jordan said.

I looked at Jordan.

"Before you stay here. We have to get something settled."

"What's that?" I asked.

"Who are you going to choose?" He asked.

I looked at Nile and looked back at Jordan.

"Wait, what? You're going to make me choose now . . . between you two." I said.

Jordan nodded. "When you give us an answer you can stay here."

"Whoa, that's so not fair."

"No, I think it is." Jordan said. "You have to choose."

I have to choose between these two. Nile is the more fun person but can be kind of mean and grouchy. Jordan is the more quiet and cute person. He keeps to himself but he's nice and cares. So does Nile. He can be nice and caring . . .

I breathed in and looked at the two. "I choose . . ."

I Live with a Vampire and His Vampire Servants ✓Where stories live. Discover now