Jessie's P.O.V

Wow I was really surprised at Niall. he saw me in a towel, and he didn't stay In my room. he's the totally oppsite of harry. if harry saw me half naked, he wouldn't leave. He would stay and either wacth me or have sex with me that's his thing. If I said 'No'! to him he would freak out. he doesnt take 'no' for an answer. I pulled out my black tank top and my red lumberjack shirt over it. I grabbed my black jeans, and my light brown Uggs. I walked down stairs to see Niall laying on the couch. " Ready to go"? I asked. Niall's head popped up. His blond hair was messy and he was wearing the blue shirt from yesterday. He nodded, as we walked to the door. "You look great"! he whisper's. My cheeks start to turn red again. We got into the car, and started to drive. " Niall, I have a question.. about harry". I said, his eyes where on the road. " What"? he asked, his tone sounded a little bit annoyed but I didn't want to say that. "Well why dose harry hate the word 'No'"? I asked. he turned his head towards me. " I don't know actually. he never told anyone". I sighed.

Harry's P.O.V'

I don't feel bad about what I did to jess yesterday. She told me to get out of her house. she didn't tell me to stay and comfort her. Why the hell is Niall answering my text. I pulled out my phone and texted him again. "Niall meet me in 20 minutes at the coffee house"! he better answer me this time. I'm not in the best mood right now. "No...I cant me and a friend are having breakfast". he replied. How can he say 'No' to me. dose he not know I hate that word. I never ask anyone for advice he should be honored. I drove home and went up to my room. I pulled out a paper and a pencil. I remember Jess saying "if you right your problems on paper, with a solution you'll feel better about the issue". I know what your thinking. I did listen to that over organized freak. but that's only because i lo....... I got snapped out of my thoughts by a knock on the door. " Come in"! i shouted. Zayn walked in. i felt my smile turn into a mean grin. i told him that im not speaking to him anymore. dose he not understand me. "Hey harry! i wasaa just asking if i could borrow a pen"? he asked. i got up and went threw my book bag. Zayn sat on my bed. i dont remember saying that he could make himself comforable. i tuened around to see him reading the paper. "Dont read that"! i shouted. Zayn grabbed the paper and ran to his room. i ran after him. i was hsouting like crazy. he locked his door so i couldnt get in, i was kicking and screaming for him to give it back. Liam apparoached me. " What the hell are you guys doing"!? liam shouted.

"Guess what harry "! zayn shouted.

"you piece of crap! when you get out of there im going to kill you"! i shouted, liam was behind me just wacthing eveerythging we were doing. " i just sent a picture of it to Jessie"! he said.

" whip that smile off your piece of shit"! i yelled.

"how do you know hes, smiling"? liam asked.

" because hes sick and twisted". i yelled and stomped off to my room.

Jessie's P.O.V

Me and niall were driving back to I got a text from zany I looked at the picture it was a list and the first thing on the list said " I have to tell jess that i'm cheating on her with kenzie". my tears started streming down that's when I felt the car jerk to the side of the road. I looked up at Niall, and the pain just broke my heart. I could hear it shatter on the floor. "Why are you crying"? he asked, looking at the tears falling from my eyes. I handed him the phone, I couldn't bare to speak. Niall put my phone on my lap. the car was back on the road and he started to speed. "Niall this isn't the way to my house. where are we going"? I asked. I didn't want him to say what I thought. "Where going to my flat for a minute". he said. I could see the anger in his eyes. the rage must of took over him. When we pulled up to the flat all of the boys were staying at. Niall jumped out of the car, I followed. when he got in he ran up the stairs. I did the same, I didn't want him to hurt Harry. Even if he hurt me. Niall got to Harry's room. he was already on top of him when I got there. "Stop Niall"!! I shouted.

Niall's P.O.V

I heard Jess yelling for me to stop. I wouldn't listen I've had enough of Harry taking advantage of her. He's cheating on her with Kenzie. Shes the biggest hoe I've ever seen. I saw Zayn pulling jess away, back into his room. as i looked back Harry pushed me off of him, i started to push him back down again.

Jessie's P.O.V

Zayn! please there going to kill each other! I shouted. " Its okay Jess"! he whispered. "It's not okay none of this is okay. do you know how much it hurts to be cheated on. how it hurts when you still love that person. do you know how I feel right now, I want to cry harder but my tears are all dried up because I use them all on Harry. I need you to let me go. I still have the urge to save his life even though he broke my heart. once you know what it feels, like to be me come talk to me because I don't think you've gone through the stuff I've gone through". I said.

Zayn slightly loosed his grip, from me. I ran out the door into Louis room. "Lou! there going to kill each other can you stop them"? I asked, he got up and ran to Harry's room. he dragged Niall into his room, as I ran to Harry. "Harry are you hurt"? I asked.

"yeah I'm not hurt. why are you helping me"? he asked. I cant believe him he knows I know that he cheated on me. he dosent even try to say sorry or explained. " I'm not helping you. I just saved you life. I'm mostly here to tell you where through. I don't want to talk to you look at you are love you anymore".I said as I walked out of his door. I walked into Liam's room. "Can you drive me home? Please". I asked. I couldn't be around Niall right now. I knew I couldn't go to harry ever again. " Sure". he said, as we walked down the stairs together. when we pulled up to my house, I started to tear up again. " thanks Liam"! I said as I closed the door. he smiled and drove off. I walked to the door and took a deep breath. I sat on my couch and pulled out my phone. There were texts from Harry. I didn't want to look at them right now.I just couldn't. I walked up stairs to my room an laid on my bed. I felt heart broken. actually I was heart broken. I cant help but cry, but I love him. I don't know why, maybe its because my eyes weren't fully open to see the true person inside. I shut my eyes and laid back on my bed.

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