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A/N: I apologize for the hiatus. I've been busy, I'm going to try to update this story as much as possible upon popular demand.

Oliver's P.O.V

     I woke up the next morning feeling very much refreshed. More refreshed than a normal android would, I suppose I've always been quite strange. Right? I looked over to see an empty spot where Y/N had laid. I started to panic. 'Did she get kidnapped?!' I had immediately thought. I stood up hastily and practically  flew down the stairs, a worried expression on my baby like features. "Y/N!?" I called out to only be answered by the quiet sound of the breeze. I ran to the kitchen, no one. I ran into the living room, no one. As I ran toward the bathroom I heard the continuous 'chh chh' of shower water. I sighed, relieved that she was okay. I walked back into the kitchen once deciding that I'd make breakfast for the both of us.

I had surprised Y/N with the [insert you favorite kind of pancake here please] pancakes. She seemed to love them, which made me quite happy. "How'd you sleep?" She asked me, giving a soft smile. "I spelt fine, you?" I tilted my head, honestly wanting to know. "Likewise." She stated as she finished off the last of her pancake. "Oh, by the way, thanks for the delicious pancakes." She gave a eye-closed smile. I blushed, gosh her smile was heart melting. Y/N walked over to me and gave me a quick kiss on my cheek and ran off to her bedroom. Out of instinct, I followed.

"Y/N?" "Yes, Ollie?" "I..." I stuttered as nervous as can be. "Never mind..." I hung my head disappointed in myself for not having the courage to tell her how I feel. 'I'll probably never be able to tell her.' I scolded myself. Y/N saw the pain in my face and wrapped her arms around me, giving me a loving, warm hug. She smiled warmly towards me and I smiled right back. 

Y/N's P.O.V

     Oliver had surprised me with pancakes. He's cute and he can cook. He's definitely a keeper, for sure. What am I thinking? I can't use him like that! I scolded myself for thinking such things. I am so stupid. 

I told myself these things all the time. These thoughts don't really bother me that much. Not as much as they used to anyway. 'Maybe tomorrow I'll confess.' 'Maybe tomorrow.'

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