I looked over at josh pulling him into a hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you joshie." Calling him by his nickname. "You too zaynie you too. Anyways how's nialler." "Good" I knew josh had a thing for Niall and I also knew that Niall had a thing for Josh. I knew just a thing to make both of them happy.



Niall's p.o.v

I lay in my bed, I decided to skip school. I was by my own no more zayn to walk the halls with. It use to be just the three of us. Now it's only me. My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing.

"Hello Niall speaking"

"Hi nialler"

"Zaynie?" I was confused why was he calling me. Not that I don't want him to call me, it's just weird.

"Yeah by the sound of your voice you don't seem happy."

"Because I'm not" i mumbled.

"I just have the thing to cheer you up." On the other line I can hear some shuffling and people talking.

"Hello Nialler" that's when I froze a voice I thought I wouldn't never hear again.



Niall's p.o.v

I'm gonna do it, I'm not gonna back down. Today is the day I'm gonna tell josh that I love him. I started running towards josh house. A smile stitched on my face. I ran up the steps knocking on his door. This was my chance I wanted to tell him this whole week but he wasn't at school.

"Niall" josh asked surprised. From behind him I can see boxes stacked. That's when I smile dropped and I fell in Josh's arms.

"Hey, nialler I'm sorry." "You can't be moving you just can't." Josh pulled me in closing the door behind him. We both sat on the steps of the staircase. "Josh we have to tell zaynie." I got up grabbing his arm. "Niall stop" I looked at him confused as the tears kept coming. "Zayn already knows I'm moving." That just made my heart drop zayn knew and never told me. I sat back on the steps hugging Josh to death. "Josh can leave you can't go. Please please I'm begging you to stay." I pleaded. He looked at me wiping the tears that streamed down my face. "Why Niall?" I looked at him it was now or never. "Josh I-I L-" "Josh come on we're gonna leave soon." Josh mom came in and looked between me and josh smiling at us. "I'll give you too a minute." She said to us before walking out." "Now what did you want to tell me?" There was no point in telling him anymore I thought. "Please don't forget about me." He smiled leaning down and pecking my lips. "Never I will alway remember you." If it was even possible I think I fell more in love with him. He stood up going through one of the boxes. "Here" I looked down to see his drum sticks. "Why" I asked. He grabbed a marker writing his name on one of them and my name on the other. "Take them so you can have a little memory of me." I grabbed the drumsticks hugging them close to my heart. I pulled him into a hug trying to pour all my emotions into it and ran out the door.


"Nialler you there"

"Joshie" I got off my bed looking around for those drumsticks. I opened my closet going through each box. But didn't find them.

"Hey what's all the noise."

"I'm looking for something." That's when it caught my eye. The small box in the corner. I pulled the box out setting in on my drawer. The top read memories. I opened the box finding the smallest things that meant so much to me. That's when I pulled out the drumsticks. It felt like Josh was with me holding my hands.

"I found them" I yelled holding them close to me.

"What exactly did you find nialler." Josh chuckled.

"The drumsticks you gave me." That's when the other line went silent.

Josh p.o.v

"What exactly did you fine" I chuckled.

"The drumsticks you gave me." That's when I froze tears at the brim of my eyes. He still had them after all these years.

"You still have them" surprised he never threw them out.

"Of course they mean so much." My heart fluttered. I knew I loved Niall so much. I always have since the first day we met. In fact after I moved Niall never left my mind. I had to tell him it's been years.

"Niall I-" sorry the person you are trying to reach is no longer available. Seriously are you fucking kidding me. I placed the phone on the table banging my heard on the table.

"Judging by what your doing I don't think it went so well." I looked up at Zayn glaring at him.

"No it didn't go well we fucking lost connection."

"Don't worry Joshie it will get better." I really hope what Zayn said would be true.


So there you go chapter 3 sorry again about breaking the promise. Please vote and comment.

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