Chapter 1: Found.

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My name is Annelise, but please call me Anna. I have no surname and no family. I am 70 years old, but I only look 18. I lived in the Shire, until the day I left for home.

I left my home, hidden in the forest, next to the Shire for the first time that day. I took my sword and walked away, wanting to explore the Shire, as I had never been allowes out. Heh. I wanted to explore the Shire, not the whole of Middle Earth! Anyway, to cut it short, I got lost. Very lost.

I had been walking for about an hour, when I noticed a tall gentleman, wearing grey with a long white beard walking through the paths. He could know where we were. Oh, by the way, he may not have been tall, but I'm a dwarf. I'm short. So, I approached him nervously.

"Um, excuse me sir, but do you know where we are?" I asked. He turned around.

"Aha, Lady Annelise!" He exclaimed. "Good to see you. Wandered too far from home I expect."

"Um, do I know you?" I asked, confused.

"No. I am Gandalf the Grey. Pleased to meet you. And in answer to your question, I do not know where we are, but do come with me anyway. Have you heard of Thorin Oakensheild?" He asked, walking off. I ran to catch up.

"Yes, I do, why?"

"Well he and some other dwarves are going on a quest. Would you like to join them?" He asked, kindly.

"Oh yes please!" I said happily. "But why are we in the Shire?"

He tapped his nose. "All in due time."

We arrived at a hobbit hole, with a strange mark on the door. Gandalf knocked, and a hobbit answered.

"Gandalf? Oh do come in." He said, shaking. Gandalf strode in confidently, leaving me by the door.

"And you, Miss...?"

"Annelise, but call me Anna." I said with a smile, walking in.

"I am Bilbo Baggins." He smiled, showing me to the kitchen. As I walked in, it fell quiet.

"Ah," Gandalf smiled. "Gentlemen, this is Annelise, who prefers to be called Anna."

I nodded a greeting and surveyed my eyes over them. One dwarf, who didn't have a beard, caught my eye. He had black hair and a cheeky smile. He was standing next to a blonde dwarf, looking similar. I walked over to them.

"Hi." I said.

"Hi." They replied.

"I'm Fili." The blonde one stated. "He's Kili."


"We know." They grinned.


Yay, first update!

A Journey For A Home (Kili/OC, Tauriel/Legolas)Where stories live. Discover now