She's mine

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"Where is she?"

Astoria Rapunzel was pacing back and forth,waiting for her teammate to arrive so that they can study together for an up coming test.Knowing Rose,shoes would be the reason of her delay.Yet again.

"Honestly Rose,shoes can wait-"the ivy haired girl stop mid-sentence

There stood Rose with a pile of bags accompanied by none other than Allysia."What on earth" she thought.It seemed like they were giggling or talking about something.It also seemed like Allysia did some shopping too.Something inside her snapped.She felt angry and she didn't know why.But once she saw Rose waved goodbye and started to head towards where she was sitting,she re-composed herself and acted she'd been studying the whole time.

"Hey Astoria!Look what I got!!"the blonde girl said while holding her bags up to her

"Rose you're 30 minutes late.Where were you?"

"Oh you see there was this shoe sale and there were this boots that were to die for!And then I met Allysia and we talked for a while and then we shopped and  we had so much in common and hehe I kinda lost track of time -"

Astoria stopped listening when she mentioned Allysia."Honestly can't Allysia pick someone else to go shopping with.I mean Rose is my best friend.Not hers.Right?"Ugh she felt that angry feeling inside her again.Hopefully it won't come back.

It did.That angry feeling came back when she and Rose were having a sleepover together at Rose's house.Joy was attending her cousins wedding that same weekend so she couldn't make it.But no matter,Astoria still got to spend more time with Rose."Just a girls night" she thought.But that thought soon came to an end when the doorbell rang.There stood none other than the messy haired artist,Travis Beast.He said that he left something at Rose's place but we all know he just wanted to see her more since they have this silent thing going on.If seeing Rose bailed on her to go shopping with Allysia pissed her of,think about what Travis,her teammate,her friend ,crashing a girls night with Rose made her feel.Lets just say when they were watching movie together(with Rose sitting in the middle, Astoria on her right and Travis on her left) she might have hit the back of Travis's head throughout the whole movie everytime Rose wasn't looking.Oops

"What's with you?" Hawk asked the raven haired girl.

"Excuse me?"

"Don't play games,Astoria.You know what I'm talking about"he replied with a stern look in his eyes

"I don't know what you're talking about"She said while avoiding eye contact

"Oh okay so the bruises from Travis's head has nothing to do with you?"Hawk inquired


"And the fact that Allyssia runs away everytime she sees us,especially you,doesn't seem weird?"he tried

"I wouldn't say she runs-"

"Or the fact that you're glaring at Shire and Rose right now?"

"I'm not glaring!" She answered quickly

He gave her the "no ones buying it" look

"You know you can tell me anything,right?" He said hoping to get an actual answer from her

"Alright fine.Its bothers me that Rose is so likable" she admitted

"Excuse me?Hawk asked,not really following

"It bothers me that she's adored by ,well everyone!She's my friend,my BEST friend and it bothers me that everyone wants to be her friend"

"She's the only person thats,you know always there for me.She's the one that untangles my hair when I go freak mode.She always cheers me up whenever we get a bad grade.Or whenever i'm having a bad hair day.She always see the positivity in the world when we have gloomy days.And yes maybe i've been a bit over-"

"A bit?Astoria you tripped Gerald when you saw him and Rose getting lunch together!And lets not forget how you went "freak mode" when Rose was with Allyssia's gang the other day.And-" he said

"Okay okay.Maybe I was more than a bit over "the ivy haired girl replied,giggling

"But she's mine.My best friend.No one else's.And I really don't wanna lose her" she admitted,looking at the ground

"Look I get it.And you don't have to feel bad.I would've done the same thing if I was you"

"You mean your hair would stand up everytime your angry?" She said playfully

"You know what I mean"he laughed

"Yeah.Maybe I outta turn down the protective friend mode down a notch,huh?"

"Try turning it down a lot of notch"

Both of them laughed and for a moment,Astoria didn't feel the need to glare anymore

Hey guys!So i'm giving this thing a shot.I hope you guys like my first chapter:) .Sorry if it sucks though,this is my first time writing and publishing for the world to see.And if you see some grammar mistakes,forgive me i'm only human.And sorry if Astoria seem a bit ooc  hehe but honestly Rose and Astoria's friendship needs to be developed more(as bff okay don't take it the wrong way).And sorry if I spelled Allysia wrong!i honestly don't know whats the correct spelling hehe
Anyways,thats it for now!Please tell me what you think!!

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