how I justify what I did;

Começar do início

"I'm not ready to die" she whispers, "Not until he's dead."

A beat of silence passes and Rick makes no move or hint that's he's going to share his past experiences.

"Rick." She takes a step closer, their bodies a foot apart. "You understand why I do the things I do. I just want to know what your reasons are"

In an instant he replies with "I don't have to explain myself to you"

Elara sighs deeply,

"You and I both know I'm getting an answer one way or another. So you can either do this willingly or not"

Another beat of silence.

"Help me understand"

Rick gingerly lifts up his hand to take hers and unfold the arms from her chest and places them on the sides of his face.

"Okay." is all Rick says, and with no hesitation from Elara she takes his hand looking deep into his mind.

Flashes cloud her vision as images go flying past like a slideshow. They start flashing by rapidly, til they begin slowling down to rest at a memory of a hot sunny day, in front of what looks to be a lake front.

Rick stands on a small stage at least ten men either side of him, clothed in the Marine's Uniform, all standing at attention with thier hands held behind their backs.

A dark skin man with an array of badges pinned to his coat stands before the line of men at a podium in the center of the stage, speaking to a large crowd.

He welcomes the new Marines, thanks them for their service and praise their choice to help defend their country. With a handshake from the leader, Rick becomes a proud Marine.

Another set of flashes go by rapidly, stopping in a blank dark grey office. Rick stands before his Colonel, straight back and legs shoulder length apart.

The new mission they have been ordered to carry out is on a secluded island near Bermuda in the North Atlantic Ocean. There is an ancient artifact buried within the island that the Russian's, who have landed there, are close to locating.

This artifact when combined with the rigth amount of temperature can cause a lethal air borne diesease that could kill almost instantly. If the Russian's get their hands on this artifact, their first target would be America.

Colonel Carter wishes for Rick to be his Lieutenant in the dangerous mission, which he knows many may not come back from.

Accepting the position and possible fate, Charlie Alpha Squadron began their mission to the Island called 'Wu Chu Ke Tao' which loosley translate to 'No Escape'.

Upon arrival, they thought they had the advantage of surprise on their side. They were wrong. Charlie Alpha under estimated just how many Russian Soldiers would be on this Island.

Many lost their lives, and those who had survived were captured for information or ofered a choice to work under the Russian's command on the Island til they found the artifact.

Rick was tortured everyday by the leaders. They liked the way he fought and lead. They wanted him as a soldier in their ranks.

Everyday they would ask, and everyday Rick would decline. So they continued the torture, cutting some fresh skin, but stuck to hurting him in the same place.

Repeatitive punishment they called it.

Elara can feel on her body how weak, fatigue and powerless he felt during his time on the god forsaken Island. She can feel different lengths of pain travel over her body as she watches as another blade is dragged down his calf muscle.

Blood Sacrifice || Rick Flag || {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora