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Her life has been a long and beautiful one
She has lived 83 years and is going strong
In 83 year she has seen so much
The rise and fall of leaders
The hurt and pain of others
The great times and the bad
In 83 years she has helped raise two kids , six grandkids, and three great grandkids
But now her memory is failing her
Her skin is paper thin her bones are brittle her hearing is all but gone and her eyesight is worsing
Even through all this she is still here
Holding on to all the good in the world
In the 83 years she has lived she has buried two husband ,but never been bitter or angry
Her faith is what holds her up
Now it's my turn to take care of her
I only hope I'm as half as strong as her every morning I get up and do what she did for me
I give her her pill and breakfast
Her joints are so bad I have to help brush and wash her hair
We sit in the living room and she tell me about her mom , her husbands, and how they met
She tells me how my mom is so beautiful and how I look just like her
I know she doesn't see her beauty but she is
She beautiful and strong
As we sit I watch as little by little her memory is going
Right now it's just the little things
Like the month ,day or year
Names of friends
It scares me to think that one day she won't remember who I am
I love her
In the morning when I get up to take care of her sometimes a thought pops in my head
Please don't let this be the day
Day when I won't see her smile or hear her laugh
Please don't let this be the day
The Day she forgets my name and who I am

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